08-03-2008, 05:47 PM
Carey: Thanks for the links. From the links you show I would guess it to be a lion fish.
DiveHilo Dive Club Website:
Originally posted by Carey
Fish ID (maybe) for Mike & Andrew
Mike (yo! Liz, get Mike to the screen!)
Could your fish have been:
(these guys are lavender on the bottom & can look more pinky purple than the picture…)
or a:
(these guys normally show with a lot more magenta & blue than the picture & the juveniles have no yellow, & show more intense deep electric blue – cleaner wrasse that follows fish & divers around – made memorizing the genus name a little easier… like a Labrador…)
Andrew, (my bad! There are endemic lionfish!…. but they are not very common - seems like they never were & have been overfished for the aquarium trade…)
Look at the picture links for the green lionfish (more of a scorpion fish, so I kinda doubt it…):
and the Hawaiian lionfish (mostly night or under ledges & in caves & not very common, but slightly more on the Kona side):
Also could be a juvenile form of the rockmover wrasse (only adding this ‘cause of the ‘tweener yellowtail coris Mike & I saw)…
with the juvenile form in the pictures here:
DiveHilo Dive Club Website:
Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".