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vog and which subdivisions get it worse.
Hamakua gets vog, too. Sometimes we can barely see the ocean and that's scary! We have some filter masks which may help on bad days but we haven't tried them yet. I should check to see how much of the vog the filters can get. I'd think some scuba tanks might be a good thing to have around, just in case, if you were sensitive to the vog.

If there is any haze out there at all, my sinuses get all gummed up. If you don't want to use drugs to try and clear out your breathing, there is a nasal irrigation device called a "neti pot" which you can get from the health food stores. They are less than $20. You need a neti pot, some non-iodized salt and some purified water. Basically, with the neti pot you are pouring warm salt water through your nose to wash it out. Kinda bizarre but afterwards you feel all clean and washed out like after a good afternoon of body surfing. It is just a palliative and not a cure but breathing is fairly high on my "to do" list.

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales." 
Kurt Wilson

Messages In This Thread
RE: vog and which subdivisions get it worse. - by missydog1 - 09-27-2008, 06:49 AM
RE: vog and which subdivisions get it worse. - by Hotzcatz - 09-28-2008, 04:46 AM

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