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We do really want Obama as our President?
Says you, me and maybe 5 other Puna-webers, ha ha.

Making a comment like that here, is analogous to telling the Pope that there is no god. Regardless if it is true or not, it wont make you friends in the Vatican.
In your search to understand why people will welcome the change to socialism and government dependence via government domination, read the book “The True Believer” by Eric Hoffer. I think no other person has nailed the psyche of those that will destroy what has made America great.

Hoffer argues that mass movements such as Fascism and Communism spread by promising a glorious future. To be successful, these mass movements need the adherents to be willing to sacrifice themselves and others for the future goals. To do so, mass movements need to devalue both the past and the present. Mass movements appeal to frustrated people who are dissatisfied with their current state, but are capable of a strong belief in the future. As well, mass movements appeal to people who want to escape a flawed self by creating an imaginary self and joining a collective whole. Some categories of people who may be attracted to mass movements include poor people, misfits, and people who feel thwarted in their endeavors. Hoffer quotes extensively from leaders of the Nazi and Communist parties in the early part of the 20th Century, to demonstrate, among other things, that they were competing for adherents from the same pool of people predisposed to support mass movements. Despite the two parties' fierce antagonism, they were more likely to gain recruits from their opposing party than from moderates with no affiliation to either.

Alexis de Tocqueville had it right when he said,
“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money."
We are there now, and short of a revolution, I see no way out of it.

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RE: We do really want Obama as our President? - by Guest - 10-06-2008, 09:23 PM

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