10-09-2008, 04:03 AM
My company, Castleblock, would employ a different floor framing system than the one described above.
We use light gage steel floor joists and posts and beams. Over this we have a substitute for plywood which is a structural cement panel 3/4" thick and 4'x8'T&G. The panel is non-combustible, termite proof and tile can be applied directly to it.
The layout of posts and girders depends on the house design and gage and size of the floor joists involved.
We make no structural use of wood. Wood is sometimes useful for forming concrete, bracing and pallets though.
We use light gage steel floor joists and posts and beams. Over this we have a substitute for plywood which is a structural cement panel 3/4" thick and 4'x8'T&G. The panel is non-combustible, termite proof and tile can be applied directly to it.
The layout of posts and girders depends on the house design and gage and size of the floor joists involved.
We make no structural use of wood. Wood is sometimes useful for forming concrete, bracing and pallets though.
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