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What's with the Noni?
It's really a long story from what I've heard.

About 15 - 20 years ago... a dude came over from Asia and saw a bunch of Noni. He knew of medicinal purposes about it... and was paying $10-15 bucks a bucket for just the fruit to be sent to wherever he was processing it. (he even paid for all the buckets and shipping at first)

Word caught on about the value of Noni... and soon people started processing locally.

Word got out... 3 - 5 years later everyone was growing it and still is.

It is known for it's medicinal purposes... a google search will show many uses for it.

Prices fluxuate... but have dropped over the years from those first early years.

Tastes like an explecitive.

I'd be cautious that you aren't picking on private property. Many people own land that they don't live on, however, it's unmarked and looks like it's just public land.

About a year ago... had a bad disease that spread through a lot of Noni crops in puna.

Interestingly enough... Hawaiians have used it much longer then anyone else for medicinal value... and not retail value.

I'm sure there are other stories about it... but this is what I was told... Then again, I was told Manapua had cat meat in it!

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Messages In This Thread
What's with the Noni? - by Guest - 11-29-2008, 05:24 AM
RE: What's with the Noni? - by Guest - 11-29-2008, 06:38 AM
RE: What's with the Noni? - by kani-lehua - 11-29-2008, 10:18 AM
RE: What's with the Noni? - by Laughing_girl - 11-29-2008, 11:50 AM
RE: What's with the Noni? - by gtill - 11-29-2008, 12:46 PM
RE: What's with the Noni? - by Chuysmom - 11-29-2008, 02:32 PM
RE: What's with the Noni? - by Mitzi M - 11-30-2008, 03:26 PM
RE: What's with the Noni? - by gtill - 11-30-2008, 03:49 PM

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