11-30-2008, 06:40 AM
You know... back when I was a kid... I worked at Kentucky Fried Chicken. Part of my employment agreement then... was that I would not discuss how we prepared the chicken. []
I think Bishop is making this choice on his own to avoid any conflict of interest.
I don't know why he couldn't have a personal blog that doesn't relate to work though.
If he kept his blog active as it is now and just quit blogging as a journalist and started blogging as a common "joe the Public Information Officer" about his life and other things, then I don't see a real reason why he needs to shut down his blog altogether.
It's kind of just hitting me now. I've been getting lots of emails telling me I'm going to have to pick up the slack now... and I don't feel compelled that I need to write in the same fashion that he did.
Many people started jumping all over him and his blog in the last few weeks and especially towards the end of elections.
It sucks that so many people got offended by him personally for blogging as a journalist and not as himself.
He didn't run his blog to get a job... although I'm sure it helped.
I hope people don't dump all over me like they did Bishop towards the end of his blog. I've always said... don't shoot the messenger.
Nobody was forced to read his blog, yet he allowed people to literally throw viral spew on him for a long time for the differences of opinions that he often posted.
Hunter... Your blog will be missed by most of us.
My Blog