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Walmart Black Friday sales online today
Actually, the stuff you get from the big box places isn't as good as the stuff you get from the local places. Look carefully and you will see the big box stuff has bushings instead of bearings, stamped steel plates instead of machined steel, pressed in parts instead of screwed in parts, etc. etc. These are for the same product from the same manufacturers. Get a drill from a big box and weigh it. Weigh the same one from a non-big box if you can find any of them left, there will be a significant difference in weight. For disposable stuff the quality doesn't really matter but if it is a tool or something you plan to keep, then go for the non-big box sellers.

I used to represent a pump manufacturer and once someone brought in an OEM item which had one of the pumps in it from my manufacturer. None of the replacement parts would fit since that pump was specifically made for the low end market.

When it comes down to survival we will be producing our own. At the moment, it is merely inconvenience in not being able to afford to shop the way we'd prefer. Next year is going to be way worse than this year so do what you can to prepare.

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales." 
Kurt Wilson

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RE: Walmart Black Friday sales online today - by Hotzcatz - 12-01-2008, 08:27 AM

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