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SCOPE - Survivalist Coalition Of Puna & Environs?
Bump, I have a few ideas here but they aren't fully formed yet. Something like establishing a religion, a pagan religion that celebrates the aina and cherishes it as well. Secular Sainthood (male and female) of Sustainable Societies. Freedom from taxes and the ability to consolidate resources like equipment and maintenance of said equipment. Rather a commune type of society where each manages his own little spot, with care, and the sharing of the communal products and resources. Each has their own area of experteise to lend to the community.

Just dreaming along really to Pink Floyd, this is an interesting youtube .

I hope we don't all have to start over from complete scratch.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

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RE: SCOPE - Survivalist Coalition Of Puna & Environs? - by mella l - 12-28-2008, 04:32 AM

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