12-31-2008, 11:59 AM
quote:Brian, I will let Cat answer this question since I do not have much experience with other people's building projects. I always knew beforehand exactly what I wanted in my houses and I had those in writing for my builder. I made it very clear that he was not allowed to make any changes without my approval first, and I also told him if it's not done the way I wanted it I will not pay him. (It actually happened once when I was building the third house, he didn't clear the lot the way I draw the map and I deducted the lot clearing from his payment. It never happened again!) [] I don't believe in micro management, everything was in writing so I left my builder alone to do his job.
Originally posted by Fishboy
Kat and John,
This is a great thread and it could go on in several different directions. Mella has asked for a list, and I'd like one also. The quote I extracted from what Kat said got me wondering if you guys could give me a clue of the kinds of surprises that your typical first-time builders experience. I imagine that list is long and depends on several things, but what are the typical surprises in building a single family home from lot clearing and leveling through to the finish trim?
Typically Tropical Properties
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