01-01-2009, 09:32 AM
Thank you Steven for the compass! It is very insightful and an informative look at what make up our whole. It is interesting if limited in its choice of responses, I found myself having to compromise with myself just to answer some of the questions!
No matter your compass bearings, these past 8 years have been divisive. From politics, to economics, to religion the pot has been boiling. I have yet to form an opinion if this discontent was due to intent or ignorance, but it permeated even the little county churches. Living in a sea of red, by choice, I find it quite telling as our county went blue for the first time in decades. Perhaps people are coming to terms with the notion that life isn’t black or white, right or wrong, and hoping for a future of balance in all things and a return to civil discourse.
So yes I’m a greenie living where most of my dear friends are not! What a surprise that we still find common ground to appreciate and enjoy each other! Somewhere between Gandhi and the Dali Lama I am charted, however I know I don’t have their level of grace or goodness, just aspirations and a willingness to move in the direction of their paths.
As another dedicated carnivore and owner of fire arms and Harleys, I find it quite interesting that the HSUS and USFWS may be an entirely owned subsidiaries of pe ta! All charity is local for me! Who knew, live and learn, keep eyes open.
Having a masters degree and headed to for a doctorate in the CASHK, (that’s the Corporate America School of Hard Knocks), I was quite fortunate not fall victim to the Peter Principal. I retired early due to health issues and promptly went to school. Attending classes was an epiphany for me, I was surrounded by these wonderful bright young people with whom I connected, had so much in common with and thoroughly enjoyed, taking agricultural classes at a local junior college! After all those years working away, it only took one year to find out I’m a simple farmer at heart!
Happy New Year Everyone 2009!
mella l
No matter your compass bearings, these past 8 years have been divisive. From politics, to economics, to religion the pot has been boiling. I have yet to form an opinion if this discontent was due to intent or ignorance, but it permeated even the little county churches. Living in a sea of red, by choice, I find it quite telling as our county went blue for the first time in decades. Perhaps people are coming to terms with the notion that life isn’t black or white, right or wrong, and hoping for a future of balance in all things and a return to civil discourse.
So yes I’m a greenie living where most of my dear friends are not! What a surprise that we still find common ground to appreciate and enjoy each other! Somewhere between Gandhi and the Dali Lama I am charted, however I know I don’t have their level of grace or goodness, just aspirations and a willingness to move in the direction of their paths.
As another dedicated carnivore and owner of fire arms and Harleys, I find it quite interesting that the HSUS and USFWS may be an entirely owned subsidiaries of pe ta! All charity is local for me! Who knew, live and learn, keep eyes open.
Having a masters degree and headed to for a doctorate in the CASHK, (that’s the Corporate America School of Hard Knocks), I was quite fortunate not fall victim to the Peter Principal. I retired early due to health issues and promptly went to school. Attending classes was an epiphany for me, I was surrounded by these wonderful bright young people with whom I connected, had so much in common with and thoroughly enjoyed, taking agricultural classes at a local junior college! After all those years working away, it only took one year to find out I’m a simple farmer at heart!
Happy New Year Everyone 2009!
mella l
mella l
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