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Endangered Hawaiian Hawk may be De-Listed
The I`o is the pride of this island. These creatures are found nowhere else on Earth!

Since there is little chance for the federal government to continue protecting these birds, why not suggest to STATE legislators to do something about it. I think the deadline for new legislation is in two days, but maybe w/ another year of time to prepare something better, next year might be better. The protections these birds need are basic.

1. (STATE) There must be a law making it illegal to kill one intentionally. Believe me, I've heard that this happens, more often than you'd like to know.

2. (STATE & COUNTY) If you want the bird populations to grow, protect its habitat. I think one of the big reasons populations don't increase significantly, is because it's range or habitat is shrinking. Support CHANGES TO Chapter 10 Grubbing and Grading, Soil Erosion Control, etc. to INCLUDE provisions for protecting the watershed forest.

SO... when you develop your LAND, be kind to native wildlife. Clear only as little as you need for your home and garden. REMEMBER, ULUHE IS GOOD. If you clear more than you can maintain, you will have a mess and a yard full of invasive species. Native wildlife will look for healthier places to be. Somewhere with lots of tall ohi`a and lehua blossoms in all directions.

If you need wide open space to develop something more than a quarter acre, please don't look to the forests, I`o habitat. Find former cane or pasture land if you have big plans.

Thank you!


Messages In This Thread
RE: Endangered Hawaiian Hawk may be De-Listed - by Guest - 01-18-2009, 04:25 AM
RE: Endangered Hawaiian Hawk may be De-Listed - by kimtavares - 01-19-2009, 12:41 PM

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