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Second Thoughts on buying in Hawaiian Beaches Subd
Just as Puna has "micro-climates" all over the map, so does it have "micro-neighborhoods". We live in Hawaiian Shores, on the other side of Kahakai near Hawaiian Beaches. We love our neighbors and our neighborhood. But if we lived a block or two in any other direction, we might not be saying the same thing. Your immediate neighbors are just as important as the neighborhood's reputation.

While there are still pockets of trouble in Hawaiian Shores and Beaches, I think the area gets a bad rap due to old perceptions of old realities. Local friends tell me our neighborhood used to be a haven for druggies and meth houses, but has been on the rise in the last 4 or 5 years. I believe we will keep improving.

In an ideal world you would meet your neighbors before making a decision to buy. If I were you I'd "hang out" in the neighborhood at various times of day/night. My only advice is, don't buy any house blind. I think you have to see and feel the neighborhood to make a thoughtful decision.

Best of luck! We have no regrets moving to Hawaiian Shores :-)



A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius

Messages In This Thread
RE: Second Thoughts on buying in Hawaiian Beaches Subd - by punafish - 02-03-2009, 04:49 AM
RE: Second Thoughts on buying in Hawaiian Beaches Subd - by roseroo14 - 02-03-2009, 05:33 AM

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