02-09-2009, 02:12 PM
I moved to Big Island from FL 5 years ago b/c I wanted mountains & ocean, snow & swimming, jungle & desert. Big Island is the most diverse place I can think of in the US. If you get bored, take a drive. The Conch Republic (Key West) is very similar to Hawaii in the cohesiveness/friendliness of the people. There is also that independent survivor mentality. BI is for me, I love it. The ONLY concern lately is the vog, volcanic emissions that the powers that be keep saying have little effect. I seem to have a continuous cough & heaviness in my chest here in Puna. If I bought here again, it would either be Kapoho or Hamakua. I can't emphasize this enough. Vog is a serious health issue that everyone seems to be minimizing.