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SCOPE - Survivalist Coalition Of Puna & Environs?

In years to come will the middle way in Puna be found somewhere between Burger-Kingesque business as usual and fending off flesh-eating Road Warrior zombies?

How to Survive Social Collapse - Hey, it's always good to be prepared.

by Joshua Holland to AlterNet, 12MAR2009.

Holland writes:

I know people who think that the economic meltdown is leading us towards some Road Warrior-esque dystopia where we'll have to hole up in the nearest shopping mall and fend off the flesh-eating zombies (yes, I mixed two cheesy movie references into that single sentence).

While no Pollyanna, I'm not convinced that it's going to get quite that bad. But the creaky old economic system was never sustainable and there's a lot of space in which to land between a less-than-cataclysmic recession and zombies roaming the streets.

Which brings us to this talk by Dimitry Orlov that long-time AlterNet reader and commenter OregonCharles sent my way (thanks, Charles!). Orlov, who says he's "not an expert or a scholar or an activist," but merely someone who witnessed the fall of the Soviet Union up close and learned something from the experience, is the author of Reinventing Collapse. It's a pretty interesting read. A few excerpts...

Read the whole thing here-
Social Collapse Best Practices

If you have a short attention span, here's a slide show laying out Orlov's argument that the USSR was better prepared for social collapse 20 years ago than the US is today.
Closing the 'Collapse Gap': the USSR was better prepared for collapse than the US
by Dmitry Orlov

Also, a somewhat lighter take on the theme: here's Scott Thill's AlterNet piece from last summer, "Massive Economic Disaster Seems Possible -- Will Survivalists Get the Last Laugh?"


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A pleasant slideshow:

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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!

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RE: SCOPE - Survivalist Coalition Of Puna & Environs? - by AlohaSteven - 03-20-2009, 04:02 AM

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