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Pizza parlor in your kitchen! ( new link)
There is that itinerant baker at the Waimea farmer's market, the one at Parker School, who has a portable brick oven. It's on a trailer and he gets it really hot for the day's baking by burning wood in it. Betcha that would make a great pizza oven. Eventually, I hope to put a wood fired oven in the back yard, but we are still at the excavating stage.

Pizza dough is easy, use any French bread recipe and you get pretty good pizza dough. Toss a bit of powdered rosemary into it while it is kneading, that goes good with pizza.

Hmm, to make pizza dough I take about one third white wheat and two thirds hard red winter wheat and grind them up with a sprinkling of dried rosemary. If you don't have wheat and a grinder, then bread flour from Costco will also work. Put a couple cups of warm water with a spoonful of sugar or honey to feed the yeast into the mixing bowl of your Kitchenaid mixer, use the flat paddle attachment. Let the water/yeast/sugar sit until the yeast froths. Put in a few handfuls of flour, a bit of olive oil (mostly for the flavor), mix on a sort of slow speed. Keep adding flour until the dough pulls in strings away from the sides of the bowl. Let it sit and do that for a minute or two. Add more flour until it starts climbing up the paddle attachment then switch over to the dough hook. Add more flour until it works properly around the dough hook, let it work for a minute or two. Sprinkle corn meal across a pizza tile or flat pan and spread the dough out flat. Cover with your favorite toppings and bake at 425 or 450 degrees until it is brown and bubbly on top. Cool for a bit or you will burn the roof of your mouth.

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales."
Kurt Wilson

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales." 
Kurt Wilson

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RE: Pizza parlor in your kitchen! ( new link) - by Hotzcatz - 04-01-2009, 04:31 PM

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