04-30-2009, 03:10 AM
Glen's idea is a good one, and one I've tried, but it's just a no go in my climate.
There's still a shortage of table taros out there and a lot of commercial farms in the state in the 5 acres and under size. Really, once you leave mechanized techniques behind and move to biointensive sustainable practice, 2 acres is about the maximum size you'll be able to deal with effectively. 5 tonnes an acre in the amalgam is certainly doable, and if you assume a 1-2 dollar a pound average farmgate value--well, it looks plausible to me, and where I'm headed personally.
There's still a shortage of table taros out there and a lot of commercial farms in the state in the 5 acres and under size. Really, once you leave mechanized techniques behind and move to biointensive sustainable practice, 2 acres is about the maximum size you'll be able to deal with effectively. 5 tonnes an acre in the amalgam is certainly doable, and if you assume a 1-2 dollar a pound average farmgate value--well, it looks plausible to me, and where I'm headed personally.