05-12-2009, 12:40 PM
It is worth considering whether or not a alternate route will actually create traffic relief. It may not. There may be significant unmet demand for building that is stalled because the traffic or lack of other infrastructure is a deterrent to the buildout. This is often the case, and developers seek and profit by these scenarios, buying inexpensive properties and waiting for the waiting for the state funded infrastructure to make these sorts of properties viable. Profiting, of course, on and of what can only be seen as a direct taxpayer subsidy. It is important to consider whether or not it's at least possible that while building an alternate route might ease traffic for a couple of years, the net effect is simply more development, and there result likely two totally packed routes a few years beyond that. Then what, a third? It may well be the best thing to do nothing at all.
A study is warranted. Precedents exist.
A study is warranted. Precedents exist.