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Let me make this perfectly clear....
Forums have their stages. Over and over again, great and useful forums end up encountering this argument phase. Posts cross a line. The moderator gets hit for trying to bring some order. Raging controversy ensues. Someone starts a say-anything forum, which either ends up a joke, dies, or if it hangs on, eventually has a similar crisis.

In well over a decade online, I have never seen a cure-all for this unfortunate forum "de-evolution". Of course, I'm hoping that PunaWeb can somehow hold out, give Rob some respect and get on with it. I don't see any real substitute for PunaWeb...and maybe that is why it will rock on.

A moderator's job is very difficult if s/he does it well and is pretty much thankless. I likely disagree with Rob (or anyone!) on lots of stuff, but....SO WHAT? Is there really utility in locking horns online?

Thanks for a forum that is the top of its class, Rob.



Messages In This Thread
RE: Let me make this perfectly clear.... - by missydog1 - 06-20-2009, 02:25 PM
RE: Let me make this perfectly clear.... - by missydog1 - 06-20-2009, 02:36 PM
RE: Let me make this perfectly clear.... - by knieft - 06-20-2009, 02:55 PM

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