07-06-2009, 08:55 AM
Hello Rob,
How about we go pass a law that says one cannot cut their own hair or their children’s nor shave without hiring a licensed scissor and razor operator? It's possible to cut ones ear off or their kids ear off and or cut ones own face when using scissors and razors... right?
Unions… hmmm well then, we have a culprit perhaps. Maybe the state ignorantly thought they could collect more taxes via the labor income tax on the Union workers vs… the years and years of possible property taxes they would lose in the long haul from all those who would build without pulling a permit.
I would say just about now… a person has a valid legal argument not to have obtained a building permit. Seeing as how it’s a constitutional right to build your own home and how the Hawaii codes require it to have plumbing etc to be considered a home… in that fell swoop of code they tied themselves into violating the right to build ones own home rights. I would also imagine that the electrical and plumbing has to be finalized and signed off on before the building permit is finalized and occupancy granted on the structural permit. There again they undermine the owner builder right through that link too.
E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.
How about we go pass a law that says one cannot cut their own hair or their children’s nor shave without hiring a licensed scissor and razor operator? It's possible to cut ones ear off or their kids ear off and or cut ones own face when using scissors and razors... right?
Unions… hmmm well then, we have a culprit perhaps. Maybe the state ignorantly thought they could collect more taxes via the labor income tax on the Union workers vs… the years and years of possible property taxes they would lose in the long haul from all those who would build without pulling a permit.
I would say just about now… a person has a valid legal argument not to have obtained a building permit. Seeing as how it’s a constitutional right to build your own home and how the Hawaii codes require it to have plumbing etc to be considered a home… in that fell swoop of code they tied themselves into violating the right to build ones own home rights. I would also imagine that the electrical and plumbing has to be finalized and signed off on before the building permit is finalized and occupancy granted on the structural permit. There again they undermine the owner builder right through that link too.
E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.