07-11-2009, 04:44 PM
Thanks Emorata, for the co-op name in Pahoa, I'll look up their business model and see if it will work in this area. I don't think I'll ever be able to grow enough to supply commercial businesses, but a few consistent retail customers might put the farm in the "pay for itself" mode.
Thanks for the fig info, Radiopeg, so far everyone who has actually seen a fig tree mention them as on the smaller side, but somewhere I read they can get big. Someone told me today that the darker figs don't necessarily need the special wasp for pollination although he also thought someone had imported the wasp so maybe white figs would also set fruit here. At the moment I have two brown turkey figs and I didn't know which side of the farm to plant them on, but I'll put them where they will get sun and not figure on them shading any other trees.
"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales."
Kurt Wilson
Thanks for the fig info, Radiopeg, so far everyone who has actually seen a fig tree mention them as on the smaller side, but somewhere I read they can get big. Someone told me today that the darker figs don't necessarily need the special wasp for pollination although he also thought someone had imported the wasp so maybe white figs would also set fruit here. At the moment I have two brown turkey figs and I didn't know which side of the farm to plant them on, but I'll put them where they will get sun and not figure on them shading any other trees.
Kurt Wilson
Kurt Wilson