08-08-2009, 07:39 AM
Washing your hands constantly and not kissing/touching people is the best prevention. Also, stay away from children if you don't have any. Gee... that does not sound like much fun does it?
Wes gets a regular flu shot every year. Some years he gets a mini flu right after. Of course anyone with a history of lung disease would be first in line for the new swine flu vaccines, once they are proven safe and effective.
Personally, I do not believe in taking any drugs, even vaccines unless the risk of the disease truly warrants it. We are making resistant strains of these diseases every time we try to prevent them or use antibiotics etc. I believe medicine should be for the truly ill, and the rest of us need to use better hygiene, reduce stress from our lives, get plenty of rest, do meditation/yoga and eat well.
Aloha au i Hawai`i,
Wes gets a regular flu shot every year. Some years he gets a mini flu right after. Of course anyone with a history of lung disease would be first in line for the new swine flu vaccines, once they are proven safe and effective.
Personally, I do not believe in taking any drugs, even vaccines unless the risk of the disease truly warrants it. We are making resistant strains of these diseases every time we try to prevent them or use antibiotics etc. I believe medicine should be for the truly ill, and the rest of us need to use better hygiene, reduce stress from our lives, get plenty of rest, do meditation/yoga and eat well.
Aloha au i Hawai`i,
Aloha au i Hawai`i,