09-11-2009, 08:03 AM
at this elevation there will be some bugs, but of course you can have some unscreened outdoor space. I do, and I have bugs. If the bugs get bothersome, go back in the screened area. If you are talking about mosquitoes, they won't flourish in a breezy area or in breezy clearing. It's up to you to site your space properly. Raising the area helps also. These things can be very localized. I had a property only a mile down the road from where I am now, same elevation, also near a stream, also had a lot of jungle nearby, and the mozzies were killer. We couldn't even be outside without constant swatting. Not true at this house, which does have a bigger clearing around the structure and is sited more on a knoll so that the breezes come through better.
If you want to check your site for mozzies, go after 4pm and to dusk when they are very active.
Cockroaches will be attracted to lights. There are wasps and hornets that can be pests, again, that's probably localized.
Centipedes are a problem everywhere but seem most attracted to come in to areas on slab, even though they can climb just fine. Think they like dampish cool slab. When I had a carport (unscreened) with table and chairs in it, was not unknown to see a big centipede come legging it out of the darkness straight at my toes.
at this elevation there will be some bugs, but of course you can have some unscreened outdoor space. I do, and I have bugs. If the bugs get bothersome, go back in the screened area. If you are talking about mosquitoes, they won't flourish in a breezy area or in breezy clearing. It's up to you to site your space properly. Raising the area helps also. These things can be very localized. I had a property only a mile down the road from where I am now, same elevation, also near a stream, also had a lot of jungle nearby, and the mozzies were killer. We couldn't even be outside without constant swatting. Not true at this house, which does have a bigger clearing around the structure and is sited more on a knoll so that the breezes come through better.
If you want to check your site for mozzies, go after 4pm and to dusk when they are very active.
Cockroaches will be attracted to lights. There are wasps and hornets that can be pests, again, that's probably localized.
Centipedes are a problem everywhere but seem most attracted to come in to areas on slab, even though they can climb just fine. Think they like dampish cool slab. When I had a carport (unscreened) with table and chairs in it, was not unknown to see a big centipede come legging it out of the darkness straight at my toes.