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Kaiser turned us down - need broker maybe?
You are so right Glen,

At the Oktoberfest I talked to a guy that had just had knee replacement surgery using HSMA (HIPAA) his cost for JUST the hospital portion of the bill and his actual titanium knee (not any DR.'s, meds or PT) was $64,400. He got special permission to go to CA for it because the Dr. in Honolulu could not do it for 3 months and he was in extreme pain. I think that is probably the most absurd thing I have heard of! Just the operating room charges billed to HMSA were $105,000 for a two hour operation. His hospital room was $4500 a day. Yes, I agree, time for a pancake breakfast or two.

Originally posted by Glen

Think locally...act nationally. Write your congress critter. Now is the time. It's that or pancake breakfasts every time someone gets an unexpected and uncovered illness. Now.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

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RE: Kaiser turned us down - need broker maybe? - by Devany - 10-07-2009, 12:25 PM

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