11-02-2009, 06:39 AM
quote:Cynthia, you might not know but the "Hawaii Island Disclosure Form" originally was called "KBR Addendum" after the Kona Board of Realtors formed a committee of five brokers to write a disclosure addendum for the Big Island in the mid '90s. I was one of those five brokers and I'm a co-author of the original form, that was just one page.
Originally posted by cynmkolohe
Regarding disclosure forms: The Hawaii Island Disclosure Form (or a version of it designed by individual brokerages) is used with almost all contracts written on the Big Island...
Interestingly, two years later, the new ED of the KBR decided that they didn't want to do anything with that form because of liability issues. Some companies still use the original and they just renamed it to "Hawaii Island Disclosure" while some others modified the original with additions. Some companies, including Clark Realty in Kona, automatically counter every offer that includes this addendum and delete it from the contract, because it's not an HAR approved form.
The version that my company uses is greatly modified from the original version, it's three pages and it is copyrighted. In order to use it as part of the contract we had to submit it to our E&O carrier for approval since it's not an HAR form. (We also have an 11-page "Hawaii Buyers Advisory" that we give every prospective buyer, also copyrighted, but we do not make that part of the contract.)
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