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Owner Builder - Electric/Plumbing fight
Regardless of what failure occurs more often than the other, the facts remains with regard to explosive possibilities.
You may have not heard of septic tank explosions but rest assured they can explode and have killed people and it doesn't only occur when a fire is built above the tank (theres a phrase "exploding septic tank" and sometimes used descriptively to characterize bad situations, it was not coined from thin air). As per a cesspool and methane are concerned, a cesspool is completely buried if installed properly, some septic system components are not buried. This means that the methane entering the air above the cesspool is minimal relative to a septic system and the chances of creating combustion from a buried cesspool are near zero. This is not necessarily true when considering septic tanks and septic systems that have been built improperly or have been broken in some mannersim.
The complexities involve in fabricating a septic system vs a cesspool are self evident and the chances of a an OB messing up a cesspool are about zero compared to a septic system.

"Having improperly designed or installed DWV systems would be a hazard by allowing methane to enter the home."
Now we're talking about an inspector who sees a stack test preformed and who inspects the design as well as the as done installed system. If it passes the stack test and the visual content inspection, it's foolproof, unless an idiot puts siding nails or sheetrock screws into the waste-lines. Here again we're talking about a hazard limited to the occupants.

Anyhow I don't want to change the thread here, we can talk crapper systems on another thread.
E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.

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RE: Owner Builder - Electric/Plumbing fight - by Wao nahele kane - 01-01-2010, 12:54 PM

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