01-02-2010, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by KathyH
Yay, thanks for letting me know it all turned out well. I am a worrier myself. My main fear is that they'll bolt into the road or go into an area where they shouldn't and encounter a killer dog. So far so good. I set up a litter box as well, so they could be self-contained inside. ;-)
My calico was not in her usual sleeping last night and I was mildly concerned but when I called for breakfast she came down the hall from the bedroom, so I guess she was just hiding under the bed.
My fears are similar. None of our neighbors have big dogs, but I was afraid they'd bolt into unfamiliar territory and fall in a lava tube or something. But I think they have their favorite safe spots in the yard. If we had a bigger house, they'd be indoor cats. But once they've been out, that's a hard decision to make for them. They sure slept a lot the next day lol, except the one who got locked in before we woke up. He had a pretty relaxing day in my son's a/c room (good white noise).
Well I think we can all breath easier now :-) Except for the vog...