01-07-2010, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by mdd7000
quote:Actually it is three people who died in that crash. One lived but will never walk again and his locker was next to mine and he lived 1 street over. The one that was high was also in the same high school - driving towards them in the other direction. It was 1977. OK (err biteing his lip) I'm sorry for your loss. I only wish my list of friends that have died, either driving drunk or being hit by a drunk, was so short. But as a Christian, I am truly sorry for your loss at such a young age and I'm sure it has had an effect on your position on this topic..
Originally posted by Dave M
[quote]Originally posted by mdd7000
Every time this subject comes up, the subject is always changed to alcohol by the most vocal of the legalization folks. We aren't talking about alcohol.
BTW, Dave M, you claim to have never seen anyone driving under the influence of weed and you also claim to be an EMT? ...and we can all presume that you are a harmless weed smoking EMT? You are full of it. I lost a few friends in high school to the harmless drug - and they weren't under the influence of anything. The other driver was high - the harmless weed?
So basically you're calling me a liar.. is that your red herring because you can't muster up anything of "merit". Well I'm an EMT and many people here may remember when I came on here in 06 trying to find out if there was work on the BI FOR EMTs. I think your a DRUNK!! I don't believe you lost a friend in High school because he was hit by someone smoking weed I think you made it up for lack of anything to justify your position.
rasman - My point is that the weed that is out there now is nowhere near organic (a natural herb as you call it) because it has been so genetically modified (it is a GMO crop) and a decent percentage of the people on this forum scream about GMO crops from time to time as being bad, evil, dangerous...
If it has a legitimate medicinal use, then let it be grown, sold, taxed and regulated as such. BTW, medicinal THC in pill, spray form and suppositories already exist so why the urgent need to continue to smoke it if you have no medical needs for it?
The answer to this is it's MY RIGHT just like you have a right to be a drunk.. If you want to address the topic with anything of MERIT then do so. If you want to stand by calling me a Liar we'll have to get together next time I'm on the island. (Are you on the BI) As for your accusation of me being high on the ambulance I stopped smoking weed 5 years before I started in EMS. (I've never failed a drug test) I'm a volunteer in very rural area! Regestered EMT.. And I damn sure don't like being called a liarby a drunk keyboard commando that I don't think has the balls to say it to my face.. Your thoughts?
Dave M = Red
Whatever his name is in = Blue
You don't even live here on the island? How's that relevant.. I did live on Kauai and Moloka'i does that make a difference in this discussion? Why is this so important to you that you have to resort to name calling and INTERNET threats to try and make your point? Why did you call me a liar?? Remember, everybody here can read.. Why are you so adamant about making it legal if you claim to not have used it for 5 years before becoming an EMT? Because I know that marijuana is not an addictive drug whereas tobacco and alcohol are. Because I know that the country needs to focus on REAL problems such as Ice, cocaine/crack, heroin, Because I don't like to see my tax dollars being wasted on trivial things just to serve special interest groups. You have passed all your drug tests? How nice for you. Yes people that work in close proximity to narcotics take drug test does that surprise you??? Yes I do serve my community. That's probably something you don't get. LOL.. I also teach Sunday school.
Your own statements don't add up. Very smart of you to say you're not going to reply since you're the one not making since here.. I'll let the readers judge for themselves.. Speaking of reading have you read my original post in that I said I didn't smoke anymore before you started running your fingers on that keyboard your hiding behind?Why don't you google marijuana accident, etc. terms and see how often it really happens? Sure, it isn't as common as alcohol related deaths, (which is legal) but its still happening, no matter how much denial you are in. Thank you for validated my very point, keep up the good work.
Oh, the part of my reply that is in BOLD, you seem to have missed? I never said I wanted to see casual users jailed. I don't really care what you want.. If some one breaks an existing law they should face the consequences.. period. Marijuana is a gateway drug. Now that's an original thought.. Unfortunately you're wrong again in that now the gateway drug is dads liquor cabinet.. Here's a thought maybe you should do a little research before you jump on the internet running your fingers. Who starts out smoking ice and moves on to weed? Who starts out with weed and moves on to ice, crack, heroin, etc.? Umm people that get drunk when they're teenagers.. BTW weed isn't even considered to be cool by teen agers anymore. Like I said a little research would help you in these discussions..
I won't bother to reply to any more on this subject. Sorry to disappoint you. Who's disappointed.. you bring absolutely nothing, of merit, to the discussion. This is a perfect chance to bow out..
"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young
"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young
"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young
"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young