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Kilauea Eruption 12/23/24
(03-22-2025, 04:33 PM)MyManao Wrote:
(03-22-2025, 08:47 AM)TomK Wrote: insanely reposts reams of..

Someone please..  get this guy some help...

You know, this is why you can't be taken seriously. You've once again put words in my mouth. I never posted "insanely reposts reams of..." yet you try to make it look like I did. There were so many ways you could have done this the right way, but you can't even do that. You are incredibly dishonest. Please don't forget that almost everything in my post was MyManoa's posts.
"Magma is not the same as lava.
Accumulation is not the same as an eruption.
Again, reading comprehension is important.

This thread is about an eruption.
Magma that has reached the surface is called lava.
Again, reading comprehension is important.
Obie - This thread is about an eruption.

That's wild as there seems to be posts in this thread about wandering toddlers, volcanology instrumentation, Spinal Tap, earthquakes, magma accumulation, diurnal tilt, celestial gravitation, the merging of USGS and USPS, protests, and cognitive impairment. It's almost like the flow of conversation doesn't abide by your hall monitor rules. Oh the humanity, whatever can one do, but try to keep up and go with the flow?

TomK -  I did not refer to uneven heating of instruments

You also didn't refer to expansion or contraction as you claimed. Please provide the quote where you did, as you seem enamored with that function, and then explain how non-uneven expansion would cause tilt to be recorded.

TomK - I've no idea where you are going with the accumulation thing.

That much is clear - whatever could magma accumulation have to do with ground tilt? You look into that Tom and let us know what you find.

I've been trying to determine a proper comparison for the experience of having a "discussion" on Punaweb these days. The day room from 12 Monkeys comes to mind, but PW lacks the frantic energy or manic charisma. Sartre's No Exit has far too much philosophical introspection for a comparison, although reaches the same end point ("hell is other people"). Maybe One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? If so, bring on the pillow!
[ ih-ruhp-shuhn ]

an issuing forth suddenly; outburst; outbreak.

I thought a somewhat spontaneous roadside show of support for our national park rangers and scientists, and the rejection of recent “throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks” actions were within the definition of the word.
(03-23-2025, 09:18 AM)TomK Wrote: Magma that is being erupted is the same physical thing as lava. It's just a different name, depending if it's underground or on the surface.

Actually, I think it's a little bit different than that. Magma has all the ingredients of lava for sure, but they aren't actualized until the magma transitions to lava. As such I think the two are different.

Magma has yet to be exposed to the lower atmospheric pressure, is denser and isn't as volatile as it is when it first is exposed and its transition to lava begins. Additionally, lots of the crystals found in lava form during the transition. So, I don't think magma and lava are the same thing at all.

It's like glass, like how to make a really kick ass large mirror, certainly we can't say the ingredients of the glass and the glass after it was formed and annealed are the same thing.

But still, yes you could say one is just the other underground, when you need to simplify the story down to bullet points for the masses. Sure.
(03-24-2025, 05:07 AM)MyManao Wrote:
(03-23-2025, 09:18 AM)TomK Wrote: Magma that is being erupted is the same physical thing as lava. It's just a different name, depending if it's underground or on the surface.

Actually, I think it's a little bit different than that. Magma has all the ingredients of lava for sure, but they aren't actualized until the magma transitions to lava. As such I think the two are different.

Right. So, let's give a simple example. Is the water in a pipe just below the faucet not the same as the water that comes out of the faucet? Does the newly released water contain things that aren't "actualized"? The point is the magma/lava that is released during an eruption is no longer under pressure, so gases are released. I'm guessing, but I suspect that's what you mean by "actualized." I suspect most scientists would say dissolved gases are released.

It's nice to see you've returned to polite dialog after a burst of insults.
(03-24-2025, 09:44 AM)TomK Wrote: Does the newly released water contain things that aren't "actualized"?

Actually, Tom.., again? You know, I'd say go sit in a corner with a dunce cap on but I don't think it would work… you’re too dense.

Actualize*.. crystalize.. same same… petrology Tom. Have you ever heard of it? 

But yeah, Maggie spent a lot of time measuring and quantifying the evolving gas, bubble, structures.. that is published in her Vesiculation of basaltic magma during eruption and a lot of people cheered her on, but really it's all the petrologists who have through the years quantify the growing crystals.. rocks, not gas bro.

Lava, like the glass used in astronomy's large mirrors, is a crystalline structure. The crystals grow in the lava, in the heat of the moment, as the lava expands in its sudden rush to.. it takes time.. but unlike the long annealing process of a large mirror it happens quickly. You'd be amazed.. maybe read through some of what you find with a search for petrology of erupting lava at Kilauea.

Maybe next time Tommy someone will let you play with one of the hats.. I can’t guarantee it’ll work.. but you can try.

*BTW I wrote actualize, instead of crystalize, for you specifically Tom. Just to see what you would do.. how you would react.. and hey, you’re cute but dude why they let you call yourself a scientist is beyond me.
I hate to interrupt the bickering but I just saw on the BIVN page, this explanation for the strange inflation surge at the end of episode 14:

"Deflationary tilt at the summit recorded about 6 microradians lost during this episode using the the Uēkahuna (UWD) tiltmeter. The UWD tiltmeter has since experienced instrument malfunction and is not accurately recording tilt. The Sandhill (SDH) tiltmeter is now being used to track summit deformation".
Certainty will be the death of us.
(03-25-2025, 05:03 AM)kalianna Wrote: I hate to interrupt the bickering but I just saw on the BIVN page, this explanation for the strange inflation surge at the end of episode 14..

Heynow, Kalianna, thanks for the heads up. Though I think.. to be clear, I am guessing.. the erroneous signal has been deleted and the record during the period in question recovered. At least that’s my interpretation of the plots now seen at..

Where the long term UWD plot is seen in context with others.. and here is the one month version..

[Image: UWD-POC-TILT-month.png]

for comparison with the SDH station HVO points to in their update for the same period of time..

[Image: SDH-TILT-1mo.png]
And yeah, they are a bit different but still both seem to be working at the moment..

ETA, and of course, as soon as I posted this the UWD signal seems to have gone wonky again.. but hey.. we're all trying..
Not tall fountains at the moment, but lava is moving f a s t . . .

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