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We're expecting... Not any more :) Now w/ pic link
Yep, her 1st. Might have another next year, but not for certain. She's being a great Mom. I put the pups in a cardboard box this morning so I could clean her "whelping box" and she let Ruby and Flash stick their heads in and sniff until they were content - she's not that tolerant when they are next to her on the blanket.

Kalani is eating all her normal stuff (chicken, rice & veggie kibble and what we eat) plus lots of milk. She was "off" first couple of days, but appetite is picking up. She's also going outside on her own and even took a couple breaks to play with Flash and Ruby by the pool today.

Good vet visit yesterday, everyone healthy.

Pics updated regularly of course.


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
Two weeks old already - time flies

Vet visit yesterday to remove stitches from tail docking and check dew claw
removal site.
Listened to all hearts and all sound good - beings as both parents were gene
tested, that's good.

Dr prescribed shampoo for what may be a fugal growth (took culture) or maybe
just saliva reaction form all that licking. Interesting giving them their 1st
ever bath. Smile If anyone else had this experience, appreciate your comments.

Reexamined Mom who's producing plenty milk to fatten up the little squeak boxes. Kalani's blood work came back - all good to include thyroid panel. I also hadn't posted earlier that she also tested negative on brucellosis before the whelping.

Also sent dna off to AKC. Being that Flash is foreign-born, must register his
dna to register his litter.

All pups doing well and growing. Eyes all open. Beginning to lift bodies on
their tiny legs.

New pics posted along with weights from visit. Kalani & 5 pups


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
David & Sophie - those babies are adorable! I love their little pink toes! Kalani looks like a good mamma too. [Smile]

Carrie Rojo

"You and I must make a pact, we must bring salvation back
Where there is love, I'll be there." MJ
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR

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