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Puna Puna Pizza Pizza
McDonalds is the world's second largest employer with about 1.7 million employees.
The good thing about capitalism is that any one of those minimum wage McDonald's workers can grow up to make 1,224 times the wage they used to.

While any one of the McDonald's workers might become CEO, not every one can.
In fact our system dooms most workers to low level service jobs by design.
(07-01-2023, 01:42 AM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: McDonalds is the world's second largest employer with about 1.7 million employees.
The good thing about capitalism is that any one of those minimum wage McDonald's workers can grow up to make 1,224 times the wage they used to.

While any one of the McDonald's workers might become CEO, not every one can.
In fact our system dooms most workers to low level service jobs by design.

If everybody made $18M/year, a Big Mac would cost what, $5k each?  What country would have to be subjugated to provide the inputs?

The only system that dooms most workers to low level jobs by design is communism.
The American, err Hawaiian Dream is predicated on the myth of upward mobility.

Yes, adequate anecdotes abound asserting the opposite but given this country's abysmal educational system, I'm standing firm in the myth camp.
The only system that dooms most workers to low level jobs by design 

I don't think dooming workers to low pay is limited to a single system of economics.  
If you want a good example of an equitable system read about Denmark.  Even the Prince has a middle class job.  And they're often cited as one of the happiest countries on earth.  

But I digress from our Puna fast food discussion.  So I'll add - - if you want good health, fast food is unaffordable in the long run.
Fast Food as a phrase is a funny one because our food used to be fast and run away from us.
Here HEAR Mr. TC ! Nailed it as usual.

Also add on crab basket mentality and uninspired, weak, useless " leadership "

Constant media hype too.

God bless our SCOTUS today to help our next generation of leaders have an even chance,,,, by merit !

We need more pizza trucks, wood fired, not those portable mini metal oven glops.

I forget the name, but that one with the whole family involved was so perfect.
As I said, the discussion of "living wage" is an oxymoron - at best!

Now, to be clear, McDonalds employs approximately 150,000 people DIRECTLY with about 70% OUTSIDE of the USA - in corporate management and corporate owned stores. That number is down by 50K in the last few years - as you guessed, that damn liberal created virus called COVID is to blame!

Between 1.7 to 2 million are employed INDIRECTLY thru franchised outlets.

The revenues McDonalds reports are a combination of burgers sold thru corporate owned stores and the rest thru franchise fees a franchise pays. 

The franchisee pays about 8% of gross sales in addition to an initial cash layout of 1 to 2 million depending on location, market share etc. In addition, the franchisee pays corporate McDonalds for the cost of the physical store similar to a "rent to own" type of arrangement. These fees are paid regardless of the actual franchisee's profit or loss. The franchisee hires the employees and pays them and insures them.

Approximately 93% Of McDonald's restaurants worldwide are owned and operated by independent local business owners.

Now, having said all that, I really don't care if the McDonald's CEO gets paid 17 million. I do take some issue with the former CEO who was "let go" due to "inappropriate sexual relations with a fellow female employee" and allowed to keep his multimillion dollar "golden parachute." I doubt the drive thru order taker boy having "inappropriate sexual relations with a fellow female employee" would allow him to continue to be paid after termination. I'd have a little more empathy however, if the number of times the McDonald's CEO eats at McDonald's each year was MORE than the number of times he eats at Morton's Steak House - but well, he makes 17 million, so what does he care about spending 100 to 200 bucks per person for dinner.

I'm surprised however that the simple math I pointed out in my first post was completely missed. As I originally stated, back in 1970 a Big Mac cost 65 cents, French Fries were 26 cents and a Coke was 15 cents. That's a total of $1.06 plus tax. As I also said, the "burger slingers" were paid $1.95 per hour - and at HOTPE pointed out, may have been a $1.50 per hour or even a $1.25 for being a girl. 

So, a worker in 1970 made let's say a $1.50 per hour and dinner cost them $1.06.

Today, a worker makes about $14.00 per hour and according to the Keaau McDonald's menu board a Big Mac Meal, with fries and a coke costs $11.89 plus tax.

Back in 1970, where I grew up, getting a job at McDonald's was even sponsored thru various local high schools - it was a steppingstone to entering America's work force - and as I recall fondly, a coveted social ladder status climb of about 4 rings.

So, what's the real bitch here all about?

Other than the desire to bitch about something that has been more or less dollar for dollar equal for the last 50 years?

"What country would have to be subjugated to provide the inputs"

Think of how many countries McDonald's has subjugated in order to allow it to open its stores outside of America? And even in America. And even here in Hawaii.

"you're probably union material"

Absolutely nothing wrong with unions. When you consider the statistics of the whole that union employees are better paid, better insured, healthier etc., as well as the union employer safer and more profitable. Granted, not all unions have been good, but in the total whole, still much better in every imaginable statistical way of being measured.

Also, vary very rarely do we find a union employer hiring those nasty god forbidden illegal aliens who seemingly even swim here for freedom.

"Fast Food as a phrase is a funny one because our food used to be fast and run away from us"

Now that's just funny!
Youʻve got WAY too much time on your hands.
Certainty will be the death of us.
(07-01-2023, 07:30 AM)kalianna Wrote: Youʻve got WAY too much time on your hands.

Not really. Besides that's what retirement is all about. Living on that Union Pension plus Social Security and a 401K is great!

Personally, I think the real rub with people complaining about paying almost 12 bucks for a Big Mac with fries and a coke - when I showed the math to show its more or less dollar for dollar equal - is that it's THEIR INCOME THAT HAS NOT INCREASED PROPORTIONALLY!

And as one prolific poster of CONSISTENT meaningless babble called "crab bucket mentality" - I can't think of a better description for a person who bitches about 12 bucks for a Big Mac, fries and a coke!
(07-01-2023, 02:10 AM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: If you want a good example of an equitable system read about Denmark.  

Ironically, Denmark doesn't have a statutory minimum wage.

Wait, wasn't this thread supposed to be about the new pizza place in Shipman park? Has anyone tried it?

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