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Kilauea: what’s next?
(10-13-2022, 06:50 PM)AaronM Wrote: CCAT - My thought process being that new residents or investors will seek out LZ9 as a safe haven. 

From your lips to God's..

As an example... Waipio Valley, in LZ9, which has all sorts of things that has kept it's land values down; minimal access, lack of infrastructure, lawlessness, recently was found by big money. So much so that parcels have begun turning over for outlandish amounts. One 1.5 acres parcel, with no permitted improvements, no fancy views, went for 800k cash in the last few months.
Waipio Valley! LZ9! What could be safer? Until there's a tsunami. Or the road goes down in a landslide.
Certainty will be the death of us.
tsunami. landslide...

Leptospirosis, night marchers...
I have friends who've lived there for 40 years and we've stayed down there many times. Night marchers and lepto are sort of the valley equivalent of our coquis and fire ant bites. Though the fire ants have unfortunately shown up in the valley too recently.
Certainty will be the death of us.
night marchers..

Another word for the folks that cart everything that isn't bolted down away before dawn. And the problem is getting worse. Now they've burnt two folks places down. One being BJ Penn's dojo complex, burnt to the ground, and another's house.. people that the local folks don't like. But hey.. that's how they work out their differences. Though with those bigger bucks showing up, and the old timers trying to muscle the mayor into giving them a gated community, trying to prevent folks from using the beach.. and as of last week people shooting at each other.. big changes coming.. 

I personally suspect, now that the locals have played their hand, the feds are about to get involved. It is, after all, a part of our nationally registered wetlands, and county/state have done nothing to protect it.. and with the local folks using D7s to clear their loi, it's an environmental disaster..
FFS. Trouble in paradise knows no bounds.
People want to portray Hawaii as so different, but really we're the same as everywhere else. Most people are friendly and mind their own business, but we have our share of busybodies, NIMBYs, racists, and rednecks...

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