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Bill Gates
Rob Tucker - I know my sister was one of the last ones to get polio just as the vaccine came out.

Sorry, was not trying to minimize the human suffering involved with polio by any means. Just trying to see if anyone remembered "conspiracy" type theories at the time as to the possible nefarious motivations of the powers-that-be.

My parents have the "mark of the beast" from their shots, but were too young to have a big picture view of the times. Most histories of the anti-vax movement I've seen point to vaccination failures from this time (e.g. the Cutter Incident) but I haven't been able to find actually "alternative" theories published during that time.
nefarious motivations of the powers-that-be.

I was probably just getting to an age where I could pronounce con-spir-a-cy, but nuclear power was still considered safe and too cheap to meter, so I lined up along with all the other duck-n-cover practitioners of the era, in a hallway outside our school’s gymnasium. Inside the gym was a series of tables and medical looking people who took our names and handed us each a small white disposable paper cup, about an inch across, filled with a sugary sweet liquid that contained the polio vaccine.

I don’t remember hearing any adults or kids questioning whether the vaccine was other than what they said it was. We didn’t need lame, irrational, conspiracy theories back then. We had Bonanza and the Ed Sullivan Show for entertainment.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
"Anyone have enough experience or education to know if the Polio vaccine was also seen as a "mass eugenics experiment foretold by Revelations" at the time?"

The scientist who created the first effective vaccine field tested it on his co-workers and immediate family. Previous version of the vaccines did in fact give some of the people polio or paralysis from the injection. My dad had polio. Fortunately he made a nearly complete recovery.

"My parents have the "mark of the beast" from their shots"

Are you talking about smallpox? I used to have a scar from it but can't see it now. I was in the one of the last years they were still giving it.

One of my earliest memories was going to a medical facility and they gave me vaccines in both legs (might have been ass or hips) but I couldn't walk afterwards. It was extremely painful. My dad had to carry me out. I have no idea what it was but I was able to walk again a few hours later. I don't remember getting my smallpox vaccine even though it left a scar.

I got the rabies vaccine as an adult. Not the horrible 20 shots or whatever into the diaphragm but three shots into the arm over a period of a few months. After the 3rd shot I had a subtle reaction about an hour later but it quickly passed. It could have been something else that caused it / coincidence.

I remember asking the nurse who gave my vaccine "how did they determine that this works?" and she said... GOOD QUESTION! So she got the information thing that was in the box of vaccines and gave it to me to keep. It was a huge piece of paper that was folded up a billion times like an old road map. It said that in a group of condemned prisoners in Iraq (Saddam Hussein era) half were given the vaccine and half were given a placebo and they were all allowed to be bitten by "rabid dogs or wolves" and 100% of the vaccinated group survived and 100% of the non-vaccinated group perished. I found it so hard to believe that a vaccine could be tested that way I saved that vaccine box insert for years but did eventually discard it. Now that info seems to be scrubbed from existence because I can't seem to find it anywhere. It was a French pharmaceutical company.
terracore - Are you talking about smallpox?

Interesting, I'm going to say you're right although I've been told it was for polio up to this very minute. Guess they really were too young to grasp what was going on (and too old to be told differently now Wink

I know my history of vaccinations pretty well including the mistakes made - part and parcel of a Bio degree, but not so well covered is the social reaction to the science being done. My guess is that public well understood the horrors of polio and smallpox that any considerations like it being a (Nazi?) eugenics program didn't get much traction at the time.

I'm just wondering if we'll reach that point with COVID or if the anti-vaxxers will always hold out that there is something much darker and more sinister going on than protecting public health (even at the expense of some Iraqis - would love the see that piece of info - very Tuskegee. Time to go slumming in the sketchy parts of the web Smile

PS China & South Korea already have the "seal of approval" system that controls who can go where based on their testing status and exposures. Devil is in the details, but appears to work well, not much of a Revelation. Wink
"Interesting, I'm going to say you're right although I've been told it was for polio up to this very minute. Guess they really were too young to grasp what was going on (and too old to be told differently now Wink"

My polio vaccines involved eating a sugar cube that had the vaccine in it. It was my favorite childhood vaccine!

A quick internet research shows that the oral vaccine caused 3 cases of polio per million. The injected vaccine caused zero. But people with the injected vaccine wouldn't get polio but could still spread it. But the oral vaccine recipients couldn't get or spread polio unless they were one of the unlucky 3 in a million.
You know, even after the very first vaccines, we still had a lot of stuff out there that would reek havoc given a body to infest.

As I said before, I clearly remember going to a friends house who was sick with the mumps, or measles, chicken pox, and intentionally given an hour of play time so as to become myself infected. And yeah that sounds barbaric, but I was in a well to do, both parents were scientists and educators, family and that was the game plan.

When I asked my mom decades later about it she said it was one of the scariest things she ever had to do as a parent. Knowing full on that she could be killing her child, and yet also believing that it was the right thing to do so as to prevent me for the consequences of those diseases later in life.

Without vaccines we're screwed. And now, maybe, the world will stop having any patiences for those that say otherwise. Or, conversely, maybe natural selection is working overtime to balance that sheet.
The original polio vaccine was a shot in the arm.I had one of those before the oral vaccine came out.It did come on a sugar cube.

The vaccination that left a scar was smallpox and mine has faded away.

The only argument back in the day was whether the salk vaccine shot or sabin oral dose was safer.The shot was inactivated and was considered safer by many .
Bill Gates sounds good.

His foundation is behind IHME.

On top of the previous link...

...he sure appears to be a good guy in all this.


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