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smoke detectors
Consumer Reports rated the First Alert detector a 91. It has been recalled by the manufacturer. It shouldn't have to be this difficult...still, I would err on the side of caution and just buy one. A carbon monoxide detector saved some of my colleagues up on Adak Island. The power had been turned off and generators were installed with exhausts pointing away from closed garage doors, but wind forced it inside.
This is the ONLY smoke alarm I have found that works here. All the rest we have tried get set off by high humidity, usually after midnight. The best part- it's also the cheapest:
How long does the battery last? We switched to the lithium batteries because the 9 volts went bad every 3-4 months.
Certainty will be the death of us.
Copper top lasts well over a year.
Ok, I'll give those another try but last time they didn't last nearly that long. You cautious guys are right. We should have at least one alarm that works.
Certainty will be the death of us.

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