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HPP Cell Tower Approved . . . Oh, the Humanity!
Well, it took the filing of a Federal lawsuit by AT&T, but the Windward Planning Commission has approved a new cell tower in HPP which I believe will be on the association headquarters property:

The usual tin foil hat folks testified against it, but there were also supporters, including public safety officials.  I have to say I'm rather surprised that this went through, and I won't be surprised if somebody still doesn't try to block it somehow.

And if you're wondering why I didn't resurrect the old thread that mentions this subject, I'll just say that it had degenerated into one of those unreadable HPP character assassination dramas that have blessedly not taken over the new version of Punaweb.
The usual tin foil hat folks testified against it
the old thread ...  had degenerated into one of those unreadable HPP character assassination dramas

Let's say the new AT&T cell tower is constructed on HPP Association Property.
Let's say it transmits on the 5G frequency.
Will the tinfoil hat crowd then stop showing up at association meetings?  If so, construction can't start soon enough.
"Let's say it transmits on the 5G frequency."

It's says in the article that neither of these will transmit 5G.

5G will be obsolete and replaced long before it becomes available in Puna.

5G is going to installed mostly in large city centers. We have no large city's
5G is going to installed mostly in large city centers. We have no large city's

The article does state that 5G isn’t planned for the HPP tower, and at the moment AT&T has no 5G coverage on Hawaii Island.  Maui however has AT&T 5G across the central valley and around Lahaina and West Maui.  My comment about HPP and HPP meetings was more in the realm of wishful thinking. (Kula zip is 96790)
Too bad the lawsuit wasn't against Planning Commission for their "fall radius" shenanigans, which somehow don't apply in Tiki Gardens or the Keaau Foodland Parking Lot.
AT&T 5G on Maui isn't the revolutionary super hi speed 5G. It's more akin to 4G.

"Low-band: Lots of range, but lower speeds

Low-band 5G is the foundation for both AT&T and T-Mobile's nationwide 5G offerings. While faster than 4G LTE, these networks don't offer the same crazy speeds that higher-frequency technologies like millimeter-wave can provide. "

To the tin foil hat people it's all the same. Some of them complain they can feel and hear the radio waves.

Here's what the queen of the tin foil hat people had to say in the Trib :

Sara Steiner-jackson • 8 hours ago • edited "Yo, adding a tower will improve emergency response time??? Right, sure it will, how is that, you gonna project the responders as holograms with your darn tower LOLI don't care what anyone says, a 5G tower isn't gonna make any drive times shorter for anyone, but it will coat the residents and the little children playing in the park in 5G radio waves..."
AT&T 5G on Maui isn't the revolutionary super hi speed 5G. 

You & I may understand that urban 5G is different from rural 5G and WiFi 5Ghz, but as your excellent example from Sarah Steiner illustrates, for true believers all 5G can coat children with an unnamed substance and probably penetrate protective tinfoil regardless of transmission type.  Including towers without 5G like the one  proposed by AT&T in HPP.
Surely we've all been "coated" in radio waves since, I forget, the very early 20th century? This seems to be a new physics phenomenon - coating people in radio waves. It seems cool! You won't even need cell phones anymore, you can just use your radio waves to communicate with everyone. And if it can be applied to over-the-air TV, you'll be able to watch you favorite shows wherever you are. And watch them again if they've coated around you. I assume they have a half-life though...
Some folks thought Johnny Mnemonic was a documentary, I guess...

I'm currently soaking up 5G in Hilo and Kea'au, but don't tell the crazies. They think it's not here yet and they are protecting us from it. Hmm, protectors... I'll bet that Venn diagram overlaps quite a bit...
Another reason this is all so stupid: 5G frequencies are recycled TV stations. Nobody complained when TV was being broadcast, from much bigger towers at much higher ERP. Put the towers where people can see them and suddenly broadcast is a big problem.

I won't even get into the fact that 5G is more a "marketing term" than an actual "technology", because "5G" was hijacked by the carriers before the standards process was finished defining it.

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