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Local sources of Antixx or Firefighter Fire Ant baits?
I want to try the newer spinosad baits.  Anybody know of a local supplier?  Or a recommended online one?

Anybody use them yet?  They seem to have several advantages over the stuff I've been using, and a lot cheaper at about $11/pound.

"[b]Antixx Fire Ant Bait[/b] (EPA Reg. No. 67702-56) is labeled for home use, and [b]Firefighter® Fire Ant Bait [/b](EPA Reg. No. 67702-56-70051) is labeled for agricultural use. These granular baits contain the active ingredient spinosad, which is biologically derived from the fermentation of [i]Saccharopolyspora spinosa[/i], a naturally occurring soil organism. These baits are attractive and deadly to ants and is readily taken back into the nest as food for the colony. The active ingredient in the bait is distributed throughout the colony, killing the ants, including the queens. Spinosad is an organic compound, but the carrier is not certified organic; therefore, these products are not OMRI certified.

The application rate for these products are 2.5 to 5 pounds per acre. When treating for LFA, remember these three baiting basics: 1) broadcast throughout the treatment area, 2) do so on a dry day, allowing at least 4 hours of dry weather, and 3) repeat treatments every 4-6 weeks for at least a year period. When using these products on coffee, be sure to have a copy of the following Special Local Needs (SLN) label readily available: Antixx Fire Ant Bait SLN or Firefighter® Fire Ant Bait SLN . Be sure to follow all label restrictions. The label is the law."
CPS has both. The Antixx is available 2# for about $25 or 10# for $85. Firefighter is only available in 20# bags so I didn't get price. I asked and they didn't have any reports of one working better than the other.
Who and where is "CPS" ?
where is "CPS" ?

Crop Protective Services (formerly Nutrien, previous to that United)
On the road to Hilo dump

900 Leilani St, Hilo, HI 96720
 Closes 4:30PM
Phone(808) 935-7191

terracore -
Thanks for the info.  I’’m definitely going to pick up one or the other.

ADDED:  I ask about the price of Firefighter.  If I remember correctly she thought it was about $160 for 20#.
I bought Antixx awhile back, but it needs to be applied when the weather is dry for 3-4 hours.  Finally spread a pound or two around the perimeter of the house to try it out.  A few days later, dead fire ants everywhere. 

This stuff works.
Am I the only one still mixing Tango with peanut butter?
I'm still doing the Tango thing too. I'm curious about the Antixx. As I understand it, the Tango works as birth control for the queen, which is why it takes awhile. Don't the poisons just kill the workers and the queen just keeps pumping 'em out? The Tango method is a pain in the butt but it seems like the only long-term solution. I'd be all for something easier if it kills the queen.
Certainty will be the death of us.
I chuckle everytime I put the whisk into my drill chuck. It's a pain but it works!
If it works, why are you still making more batches of it?

I used Tango for six months.  Followed directions and proper intervals.  I saw no change. 

One treatment of Avant and they were gone the next day.

Started seeing some ants after about 3 months.  Did another treatment.

6 months later, same thing.

Then same thing 9 months after that.

The black ants took over from there and I haven't seen a fire ant here in over 2 years.

I was a big proponent of Tango when it first came out.  I no longer recommend it.  Other things work better and faster.

Antixx doesn't require the whole mixing thing, so if it works that would be great.

"Don't the poisons just kill the workers and the queen just keeps pumping 'em out?"

The key is that the poison bait has to be slow-acting enough to allow the workers to get it back to the nest before they start getting sick and won't share it.

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