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Some kind of argument at the Walmart today
Saw a couple men arguing at the Walmart around noon. One of them looked like he swung a big walking stick at the other then took off.
Puna:  Our roosters crow first!
a stick in the store?
Looked like a walking stick, kind of thick and clunky. He had it in his cart and whipped it out to hit the other guy. Fortunately, he missed or it would have been a cracked head for sure!
I didn’t stay around to see if anything else happened.
Puna:  Our roosters crow first!
Too bad you didn't "stick" around. More details are sorely needed in order for this thread to escalate into an internet fight over who was right or wrong.
But of course, ultimately we know that it's the county's fault.
Certainty will be the death of us.
My buddy Jeff Bezos says going into the store is so 2019, and they were all in the wrong! Also wrong: the tree that manufactured that stick, knowing it could be used as a deadly weapon. We should ban sticks and sue trees out of existence!

Rest assured if the assailant is caught he will be talked to respectfully and all charges will be dropped. (If Mitch Roth has anything to say about it.)
More details are sorely needed in order for this thread to escalate into an internet fight 

Clearly it was a good guy with a stick, who stopped a bad guy without a stick.
It could have been one of those product demonstrations.

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