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Vaccinated People Spread The Delta Variant, CDC Says
This holiday season, send unvaccinated family and friends an "unvitation" for all celebrations through the end of 2021 and beyond.
Life has to become very difficult for these anti-vaxxers, Covid19 deniers, and the maskless.
Happy Holidays to all of us critical thinkers.
Being "uninvited" by the smug and the pompous hardly qualifies as making life difficult.

Nonetheless, Happy Holidays to one and all!
I wonder how many "unvitations" will be send to vaccinated people that didn't get the side effect of telling everyone they are vaccinated.
(10-05-2021, 09:46 AM)TomK Wrote: Dear me. Firstly, maybe there were people wishing an unvaccinated person would die. That person wouldn't be me. As for someone having Covid and being seven times more protected than being vaccinated, well, just provide the evidence.

You haven't answered the question about strange things happening to healthy people, I doubt you will, and the reason people are dying in hospitals is that's where they go when they are very ill.
The data is coming out of Israel where just about everyone has been vaccinated.

What is not being addressed in this push to have people vaccinated, is those who by now, have natural immunity to CV and many of its variants(future) by now. Yes hospitalizations have been up and down, but a huge majority people who test positive stay home. Maybe instead of testing people weekly they could have an antibody test done and that would be the end of it. Get your vax or antibody test.

As far as healthy individuals having health issues after post vax, These stories are rarely covered in the news cycles. Unless your a somebody, your a nobody and insignificant. even the 15,000 or so cases involving death where medical professionals felt it important enough to spend the hour or so filling out the form on the vaers site are insignificant. But if a friend or relative comes down with miocardidis, or dies post vax its a little more important to those close to them.

I find it interesting that there is only one avenue being pushed the operation warp speed trump vax. With zero alternatives for individuals. Get the shot, or loose your job many are facing. Its your choice to work and pay your bills. Again, I remind you that there is zero data on long term side effects. We have never done this kind of grand experiment on humanity before. Does this not concern you the least?
With billions in profits to be had in taxpayer money, this is going to go on forever.
We're still doing this?

Natural immunity may or may not exist, but it's not recognized in this country. If other countries' acceptance of natural immunity makes them superior, great, move there and enjoy the freedom to avoid vaccination.

Vaccination means less death than non-vaccination. Refusing to be vaccinated is a violation of the social compact, but it's fine with me so long as those people self-isolate so as not to infect others.

Yes, people have health issues after vaccination. First, prove that these were caused by the vaccination. Then, calculate the relative incidence of risk. Now, calculate the health impact of a crashed economy, which is a side effect of "managing" the pandemic. Which problem is worse: people getting sick from COVID, people suffering side effects from vaccination (and if so, which vaccine), or the stress of being threatened with eviction because government can't process unemployment checks or approve the emergency rent bailouts?

Before we know it, climate change will make all these problems seem trivial. People will still argue, even as the airports are underwater.
... still argue, even as the airports are underwater.

Not a problem.
I read over on that a secret cabal of airline executives almost have the problem solved. They're cloning crews of pilots from Capt. Sully Sullenberger.
Immune response either through exposure to muted virus strains or through due course infection of virus is how it works in any country. The difference is one is invoked the other just happens in due course.
As with any 'data' that has come along with this pandemic, it is subject to change. Remember when just getting the vax and herd immunity at 70% was the goal? No 80%? now 98%? Plus boosters? You wont have to wear a mask anymore. We rapidly went from that to show us your papers. Get the app on your phone and enter the digital panopticon. And now, even if your fully vaccinated, you can still die just like everyone else.
Its only reported, when your somebody.
Yeah, letʻs find fault with the medical establishment for their inability to foretell the future. 70%? That was pre-delta variant. Not knowing how long the vaccine would last? How would they know that until now? Your chances of dying from the vax are twenty times less than if youʻre unvaxxed. Period. Instead of finding fault, letʻs applaud the CDC for their ability to change course as they constantly examine the data and reassess the situation.
Certainty will be the death of us.
As with any 'data' that has come along with this pandemic,

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"...but those scientists don't go to my church."

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