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Vaccinated People Spread The Delta Variant, CDC Says
My 2 Cents,

I would rather engage in conversation with those I disagree with, and I certainly am more patient with people that have been part of our community for a long time. When someone's first post here is full of lies though, it's just not productive.

I wouldn't say this is the first issue I've felt this strongly about. The anti-TMT crowd was also full of disinformation, and I would take every occasion to argue with those spreading it, online and in person. Online would usually degrade into them engaging in racist attacks or demanding to know my name, race, and home address. In person, after each falsehood I revealed they would fall back to another claim, then another, until they ran out and accused me of not being capable of understanding due to my privilege, etc.

I get the impression that the vaccine issue is more about political identity, but otherwise very similar to TMT. People on the extremes choose their camps and refuse to hear reason.

I consider myself open minded, but not to obvious BS. Pushing the"vaccinated spread Covid" line without acknowledging the great reduction vs unvaccinated, citing a year old study as proof the vaccines can't work, accusing the whole medical establishment of not knowing how to give a shot, saying no other vaccines require boosters (wtf?), claiming vaccination rates haven't changed from before to after Delta, implying vaccines are pointless in general... I could go on, but it's all crap.
Vaccination should be a choice and not a mandate.
(10-11-2021, 06:54 PM)AaronM Wrote: Vaccination should be a choice and not a mandate.
That's what kids say. Though in the end they get vaccinated..
(10-11-2021, 06:54 PM)AaronM Wrote: Vaccination should be a choice and not a mandate.

I think I agree for the general public, but support schools and workplaces requiring it, since people are forced to be in proximity to others for extended periods.

If enough people make the choice of becoming anti-vax, though, we might have diseases like Polio make a resurgence in the US. Don't you see that as a problem?
Polio is a terrible example and I don't know why it keeps being used.

The majority of poliovirus infections are asymptomatic; up to 70% of infected individuals experience no symptoms and about 25% experience mild symptoms.

Paralytic poliomyelitis occurs in less than 1% of all infections.

It's time to stop coddling humanity especially now as overpopulation is causing environmental pollution, habitat loss, the sixth mass extinction, intensive farming practices and the consumption of finite natural resources, such as fresh water, arable land and fossil fuels and on and on.

Darwin must be spinning in his grave.

859 flu deaths vs 570 COVID deaths, or about 1.5:1.

This is why people refuse vaccination?

This is what we crashed our economy for?
(10-11-2021, 09:25 PM)kalakoa Wrote:

859 flu deaths vs 570 COVID deaths, or about 1.5:1.

This is why people refuse vaccination?

This is what we crashed our economy for?
Without vaccination and the covid related restrictions, the deaths from covid would be far higher than they were.  I guess you don't recall what happened in New York in 2020.  Peru has lost 0.6% of their population so far with only about 8% of their population testing positive.  As to flu deaths, this is the first jurisdiction about which I've heard a statistic making this claim.  It's a big world, let's see what is happening in the rest of it.
Me ka ha`aha`a,
(10-11-2021, 09:25 PM)kalakoa Wrote: This is what we crashed our economy for?
It gives more credence to the great reset theory. You will own nothing and you will be happy. Perpetual renting serfs.
"A loss of humoral immunity (a reduction in antibody levels specific to covid) is expected but is far from a complete picture for lasting immunity. Memory T cells provide more lasting immunity, an item your article doesn't address."

My, my, I'm experiencing a true dilemma at the moment, over whether that was the most intelligenty ignorant or the most ignorantly intelligent thing I've ever read.

"The death rate for those with identified cases of covid is 0.5-1.2% according to the best information available and not 0.2% as you posit. If your 0.2% were true, how is it that the USA as a whole has 0.22% of it's population dead from covid and only 13% of it's population has been infected (with an average of two tests per person so far)? Peru has already lost 0.6% of it's population to covid."

Obsfucate much? Obviously AaronM was citing covid19 death percentage to population. You'd think you'd have picked up on that since you cited it as .22% Thus your point has no merit. In reality, covid19s largest percentage of deaths occures in those over 65, making it a pandemic amongst the elderly and not the general populace. Further enforcing AaronM's point.

A bit of advice vancouverislander, step off the mass hysteria train and excercise some of those objective reasoning skills it appears that you're withholding from yourself, you seem to be far more capable of making sense than the ignorantly intelligent levels you've displayed in your past few posts.

Snap out of it.
I will address your very strange reply.
"A loss of humoral immunity (a reduction in antibody levels specific to covid) is expected but is far from a complete picture for lasting immunity. Memory T cells provide more lasting immunity, an item your article doesn't address."

let's start out by making proper associations, first.
The article isn't mine, therefore it cannot be cited as "your article."
I also provided a link to the Isreali study that's published in the NEJM.

From the NEJM link...

Despite high vaccine coverage and effectiveness, the incidence of symptomatic infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has been increasing in Israel. Whether the increasing incidence of infection is due to waning immunity after the receipt of two doses of the BNT162b2 vaccine is unclear.

We conducted a 6-month longitudinal prospective study involving vaccinated health care workers who were tested monthly for the presence of anti-spike IgG and neutralizing antibodies. Linear mixed models were used to assess the dynamics of antibody levels and to determine predictors of antibody levels at 6 months."

Here's where objective scrutiny holds up a red flag.
Consider the following statement from the background within the abstract.
"Whether the increasing incidence of infection is due to waning immunity after the receipt of two doses of the BNT162b2 vaccine is unclear."

They've cited the least harmful possible reason for causation and evidently somehow triggered some unfounded hope of durabilty in your mind.
There could be any number of potential other reasons for this and all are vaccine related with far graver consiquences.
This increasing "infection" rate is also resulting in more deaths, indicating that the appropriate antibodies are not being reproduced.
So let's stop with the obsfuactory notion that durability is still on the table, because it sure as hell isn't.

The study is working to find out what antibody levels are needed to maintain protection, obviously the vaccines didn't trigger the traditionally expected immune system imprint that our traditional vaccines have accomplished. So they're working to find out the most effective booster regime.

This means they are operating on the premise that they are in a new age of what vaccines are and evidently they're something to be administered on a regular basis in the minds of those responsible for them and their study.

When we compare the vaccinated data results to the natural aquired immunity data results, we see within the aquired natural immunity results what we hoped to see in the vaccinated results. Unfortunately, the vaccine isn't working as was hoped for and has accomplished one of three things, remanded it's recipients to a potential future life of boosters, delayed the inevidable or severely worsened the pandemic for everyone.

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