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ayo Obie. You and yours ok ?
Been praying.
Was Obie near this?

Strange how the mainstream media has been nearly silent about it.
My place in Ohio is 50 miles southwest of East Palestine. The plume from the fires was blown into Pennsylvania and my well is in a different aquifer.

It will be fine and I am in Hawaii for the winter.
Ok Obie,
Glad your ok.
Stay away !

Yeah Mr. Terracore,

- 50 rail cars derailed on 3 February
- 11 rail cars carried hazardous materials
- 5 rail cars released Vinyl Chloride, a flammable, colorless liquified gas that causes liver, brain, and lung cancer
- 28° Celcius / 82° Fahrenheit is required for Vinyl Chloride to become slightly water soluable
- 1 waterway was directly impacted - the Leslie Run. It feeds the Little Beaver Creek, a tributary to the Ohio River.
- 5 Million Americans get water from the Ohio River.
- 74 Million Americans get water from the various tributaries and outlets of the Ohio River, which feeds the Mississippi River
- 1 Billion+ animals of varying types - livestock and wildlife - depend on these waterways for life
- None of the waterways have ever hit a sustained 82°F in human history
- 3500 fish and aquatic animals have died in the Leslie Run in the past week
- Almost all small livestock have died in East Palestine since Friday, 10 February, especially poultry
- 4800 residents call East Palestine home
- 74 Million Americans that depend on the Ohio River and associated waterways, including the Mississippi for water for themselves and/or their livestock.
- Zero FEMA officials have arrived to East Palestine as of 15 February

Two + years of masking for kobeed but now they saying its safe to go back.
Thumbs Down 
Transportation  lady says it's  ok, happens all the time
Please post your source for this statement.
Certainty will be the death of us.
Transportation sec himself on one of the news channels, Fox, Newsmax? He said they have 1000 derailments a year. I guess that makes this one ok!!
"Almost all small livestock have died in East Palestine since Friday, 10 February, especially poultry"

I know people on the scene and this along with just about everything you posted comes from conspiracy sites.
Im seeing the videos of the contamination and talking to Ohio customers the past week.

So would you drink the water ?

And please don't say, i dont drink it anyway. You know what i mean.

@chrashd... Transportation Lady

Ok anyway, back to the Hawaii Farm, with clean air and water. Lucky we live.

P.S. to add did you see the overhead shot of the car directly over the drainage pipes ? How did that end up like that relative to the rest of the cars ? Yea, its all a conspiracy.
Almost all small livestock have died in East Palestine 

It’s a well known fact that on the mainland animals breathe different air than humans, sometimes slightly lower to the ground sometimes a little higher, both of which are bad air, hence no human deaths.  Humans only breathe the good air.

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