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"Work Efforts Beneficial For Everyday (Puna) Society"
(05-14-2023, 04:21 AM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: What I like about Punaweb is that there is (equal?) time for opposing viewpoints.  If someone posts a comment that is demonstrably false, someone else has the opportunity to provide more accurate information.  Cable editorial stations only provide one side of a story, if that.  kalianna is closer to the truth than wahine.  My sister who watches Stupid News has been sending me crazy stories for two weeks now.  I go to Stupid News and sure enough America (including Puna) is on the brink.  The two big stories the last two weeks were either buried at the bottom or on some tiny side click.  Two headlines for several weeks on most news sites were barely mentioned on Stupid News, and the story was about them as kalianna noted. On the day the case settled they posted 2 brief paragraphs saying the judge congratulated them for some aspect of the proceedings, and it was the 20th story on their front page. I counted.  It quickly disappeared.  

Punaweb is really fair, and really balanced, and that's hard to find these days.  But it takes people being able to post a reply, and another viewpoint, and even another thread if necessary should an OP delete a thread, countering (you might note) real freedom of speech and censorship.

"Kalianna's post: Case in point, I checked the Fox news website following the $787,000,000 judgment against the network re dominion voting. Not a word about it."

Not sure how you reached the conclusion that my posting of a link is less truthful than Kalianna's comment. Kalianna noted nothing else, although you are crediting her with posting more information. Any thoughts on Terracore's post? Is he even less truthful than me since he posted 4 links?

Lead by example
Equal until deleted by Rob.
Rob operates the only website that will print my babbling.
he posted 4 links?

Last mention of this since it’s off topic.
There was a gigantic story.  It was a top story, above the fold for weeks with pages of coverage in most places.  The network that it concerned printed nothing until the day of the settlement.  Two paragraphs.  Congratulating themselves with no mention of $ or their admission of guilt.  The two main points.  

So yes, that’s more than nothing, but was closer to nothing than something that provided useful information. terracore posted a similar announcement on a few different platforms, so not really four different versions of coverage.

Punaweb is a better source of info than that.
^^^ " coded " message to you SS

No vote, no ( can ) grumble ..

i hope that's you.


and yeah, everyone here give Rob boostings for his supremely elastic patience.
(05-14-2023, 06:54 AM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: he posted 4 links?

Last mention of this since it’s off topic.
There was a gigantic story.  It was a top story, above the fold for weeks with pages of coverage in most places.  The network that it concerned printed nothing until the day of the settlement.  Two paragraphs.  Congratulating themselves with no mention of $ or their admission of guilt.  The two main points.  

So yes, that’s more than nothing, but was closer to nothing than something that provided useful information. terracore posted a similar announcement on a few different platforms, so not really four different versions of coverage.

Punaweb is a better source of info than that.

So you have no explanation regarding your opinion of my post. And now it is off topic so you refuse to provide any logic for the mythical statement that you claim Kalianna posted, and how my post is less truthful.

Evidently, asking certain posters on Punaweb direct question(s) regarding their posts brings a lot of blah blah blah that doesn't answer the question(s).

Lead by example
(05-13-2023, 05:26 PM)AaronM Wrote: "more dangerous to society"  Free speech is not dangerous, even if it is horribly, terribly wrong. 

Let us not start down the Orwellian path of ruling whose speech is worthy of being free and whose isn't based on some vague notion of 'safety'.

Stupid is as stupid does and no amount of social legislation is going to affect that.


I'm not suggesting censorship. I'm saying that what some people say can be dangerous to our society and people should be free to point out that out. Let's be clear here. I'm not talking about the woke society that wants nearly everything banned. I want free speech, and that includes pointing out idiots and gibbering clodpoles on PW.
So lets see you exposing them Tom, show evidence to back up your claims...Can be " scientific " even mo' betta.

Put your money where your mouth is.
(05-14-2023, 09:25 AM)elepaio pid= Wrote:So lets see you exposing them Tom, show evidence to back up your claims...Can be " scientific " even mo' betta.

Put your money where your mouth is.

Just a recent example - heavy rain didn't cause the 2018 Kilauea eruption:
Evidently, asking certain posters on Punaweb direct question(s) regarding their posts brings a lot of blah blah blah that doesn't answer the question(s).

God bless !!!

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