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MK controversy thread
(06-01-2024, 10:28 AM)TomK Wrote: I'm not sure this is relevant. The TMT is a done deal as far as I'm concerned; it won't be built here.

It's a shame. And absolute shame the TMT folks couldn't figure out how to talk with all the relevant parties and work out their differences. It would have been so easy, and so cool if that scope would be built here. But no, the entitled 'scientists' couldn't figure out how to talk with all the stakeholders with respect. Sad. But hey, if your behavior here is indicative of how the folks over at the TMT behave.. what can you expect? You've certainly done all you can, personally, to kill the project.
how to talk with all the relevant parties

Yes, it’s too bad the dozens of relevant parties couldn’t organize themselves into a coherent group with someone authorized to speak for all of them, who presented an outline of what they all agreed on, and would approve if meetings were held.  

“all the relevant” parties had differing views, sometimes contradictory requests and demands.  
I believe the relevant term is herding cats.

I’ll ask, for what that’s worth, but who should the TMT have contacted?  
“You will not build on Maunakea” - Mililani Trask

Sounds like someone who can be reasoned with and willing to discuss any differences with.
Perhaps it is the obstructionists that have not put in the effort to communicate. I see what progress is being held up by all these lawsuits and complaints, but I'm not clear on what progress is being made on their side. MyManao, can you explain all the benefits to our island from these "relevant parties", and how their path is a better one for our children?
The problem as I see it is a politics of No. No this, no to that. Its been this way forever - there is no middle ground. The most frustrating aspect is when they say no, but don't come up with solutions to solve the ongoing issues. This is what is going on a Punalu'u. They don't want further development, but don't come up a pathway to solve the serious infrastructure issues C. Brewer left there.
"politics of No"

"how their path is a better one for our children?"

"but who should the TMT have contacted?"

The general response you will get when asking these questions (aside from one who no doubt will interject a misogynistic response) is:

(06-01-2024, 07:13 PM)MyManao Wrote:
(06-01-2024, 10:28 AM)TomK Wrote: I'm not sure this is relevant. The TMT is a done deal as far as I'm concerned; it won't be built here.

But no, the entitled 'scientists' [...]

(Bolding is mine).

There you go. It's not about Mauna Kea; it's about people's views of science and scientists.
You just know this is going to set some people off. Thanks to HNN, some will think we're creating a new star in orbit around the Earth.

"Hawaii telescope to play key role in mission to put artificial ‘star’ in orbit around Earth"

"The mission encompasses placing an artificial “star” in orbit around Earth, much like a satellite. Scientists will study the star to precisely calibrate telescopes and accurately measure brightness levels of objects, such as other nearby stars and explosions of supernovae in far-off galaxies."
I was hoping you were going to post this story Tom.

But for the ones who might get set off by this, I think the graphic used by Big Island Now is much more helpful to their cause!
placing an artificial “star” in orbit around Earth

Whut? You kidding me?  It’s been hot enough with one sun in the sky recently, and now we’re going to have two suns?  Who do those air conditioned scientists think they are?  Not all of us have big govment or big busness to pay are electric bills.

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