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There are now 89 houses for sale in HPP
Here’s the May 2024 market report:

Two lots in HPP, at $90,000 each went contingent within days of listing.  All the other new vacant land listings are over $100,000.
Ive always wanted to know how much it takes to rip a lot

Someone here must know.  My 2 Sins is a raw land aficionado, maybe they can help. ?

Maybe this should be a new thread, (just kidding Chunkster!) but there are now 42 vacant lots for sale in HPP.   Five (5) of them are listed for less than 100k.

A couple of them seem like duplicates so the real number of listed  lots may be slightly lower.  However, there are quite a few lots around HPP that are for sale, dare I say it....without a Realtor.  Lots of lots with homemade signs nailed to trees here and there. So the real number is quite a bit higher.

Edge, it looks like there are 24 lots at the moment in HPP that are under contract starting at 75K and up.
Yes, there are lots available under $100,000, but the most recent listings added that I looked at (last week or two?) were over $100,000 except the two I mentioned at 90,000.

When I first moved here there were several “For Sale $10,000” signs hand painted, tilted at a 30 degree angle nailed to coconut trees. Those were the days!
(06-18-2024, 03:53 AM)Punatang Wrote: Let's be clear.  The sky is not falling.

But, here is another builder who decided today to punt.

Ripped, rolled, base course, even a Koa tree on a well maintained gravel road.

"It is just 9 blocks to the amazing coastline where you can enjoy beautiful sunrise and sunset views"

I don't know where they went to school, but I bet there was snow and the trek was uphill both ways.

Ive always wanted to know how much it takes to rip a lot

It depends on all you want done, the grade of the property, and the price of diesel that month.  There are different kinds of "ripping".  Most recent quote I heard for a thorough rip is $15k/acre.  I just talked to the guys working on our neighbor's property.  They are using a smaller excavator and I think limited to driveway, front yard, and house pad.  The guy I spoke to said every job is different so they would need to see the property to make a quote.  He did let it slip that they were charging $800/day for the job I was seeing.  I don't know if that is the amount they used internally to quote the entire job or if the landowner is literally paying a daily rate.  They are on the mainland so it would be impossible for them to "audit" that.  They do work longer than 8 hours, I'm guessing I've seen them work at least 10 hours each of the last 4 days. 

We know a guy who does detailed work, he typically gives a "menu" of prices based from cheapest to most expensive so people can downsize their dreams when they find out how much it's going to cost. I don't think he normally does pin-to-pin ripping, he prefers to work with the land.
Thanks, Terracore. It does appear that there is money to be made clearing a lot before selling it, though Iʻll never understand why anyone would clear a whole lot rather than "work with the land".
Certainty will be the death of us.
Bugs. Locals like to rip it pin to pin and nuke it with insecticide.
(06-19-2024, 03:22 AM)kalianna Wrote: Thanks, Terracore.  It does appear that there is money to be made clearing a lot before selling it, though Iʻll never understand why anyone would clear a whole lot rather than "work with the land".

Lots with driveways and a clearing generally show and sell better than something where a prospective owner can't envision a place to park off the street.  That's assuming its been maintained and not choked out by junk invasives.  Whether or not one can guarantee to recoup their investment is a good question. If one has a dozer operator in the family or whatever it I could see this working out to flip some vacant land properties.  

All that being said, the number one feature most buyers here are looking for in vacant land sales isn't driveways or house pads, it's owner financing.
Could someone please buy this?®ion=Puna&subdivision=HAWAIIAN+PARADISE+PARK&street=&zipcode=&form=&tenure=&ssreopf=any&contingent=&minprice=0&minyrblt=0&minbeds=0&maxprice=9999999999999&maxyrblt=99999&maxbeds=999&minbaths=0&minarea=0&minland=0&maxbaths=999&maxarea=0&maxland=99999999&oceanfront=&view=&remarks=&sorttype=changed&sortdir=desc&resultview=list&locationchanged=1&linkmlsnum=710736

The folks attached to this listing are absolutely abusing the system by dropping the price $100 - $200, just about every day.  Those of you who receive the update emails are likely aware and as unimpressed as I am. The best part is the permanent listing blurb says, "Last price reduction".  Where is the clown emoji on this thing?
Where is the clown emoji on this thing?

I love the blueprint sketch vs. the current existing build out.  It requires great imagination to figure out if one is actually related to the other.

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