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Dana Ireland Case Solved With DNA
Her killer lived in HPP, gave a DNA sample, then committed suicide.
From the article:

"The man’s name is not yet being released, but authorities say he was a resident of Hawaiian Paradise Park. The 57-year old would have been 25 at the time of the crime."

Is that normal to release the age but not the name?  So sad.  It's also very troubling that he was living freely among HPP residents while the wrong men were punished.
I wish you all the best.
I think the name release of the real killer is most likely being held due to notification of next of kin.

It's fine to release age and even neighborhood where he lived.

Imagine being his next-door neighbor.
No thanks.  I try to keep my imagination pristine.  What the heck with multiple HPP murderers committing suicide in such a short span if time?  That piece of garbage ruined at least four lives that we know of.
I wish you all the best.
Its too bad that the wimp went out in the cowardly way. 

I wonder what his life was like since he killed her. For 33 years knowing he was guilty. Then seeing 3 innocent people being arrested, charged and convicted and sentenced to jail. 

Was he a happy go lucky guy who just did not give a crap, or a nervous nail biting fool convinced that every car behind him was a cop, every person who looked at him being an undercover agent who was out to get him. Every knock on his door an arrest waiting to happen. Did he ever marry? Have any relationships? Kids? 

And then is there a potential probability that she was not his only victim.

At any event, Dana’s family now has the closure they needed. And some damn fine investigative work done.
Although they don't have the murderer's name, Civil Beat has a good article on this latest turn:

The most interesting part for me is that the Innocence Project investigators and lawyers are saying that our local police already had grounds to arrest the man when they served the subpoena for a cheek swab. So 33 years after Ms. Ireland's brutal murder, the local cops managed to drop the ball one more time.

The cops supposedly have scheduled a news conference for later today. We'll see if responsibility is taken or if it's all CYA.
This case is a tragedy from start to finish:

Shawn Schweitzer was required to pass a lie detector test as a condition of the plea deal, and according to “Murder in Paradise” Ashida issued a press release announcing Schweitzer indeed had passed a polygraph test administered by the state Attorney General’s Office.

But Shigetomi said Monday that Shawn Schweitzer failed the polygraph test. “How do I know that? I was there, but no one cared,” Shigetomi said. “Shawn got the deal anyway.”

From 2015:

“None of Mr. Schweitzer’s DNA matches any of the DNA found with the gurney or on the T-shirt,” he said. “We’re trying to find out whose DNA it is, and that’s why we’ve asked Mr. Roth to do what’s necessary to run it through, or get the FBI to run it through its databases. But so far that matter hasn’t been resolved.”
Good point ChunksterK. I’m a little bit surprised that since the FBI was involved in the surveillance of the perpetrator, that they did not either advise HPD or be involved in the serving of the search warrant, the swab and probable cause arrest. 

Knowing our HPD they were most likely scared that the DNA results would take longer to get than they could have legally held him for without charge. 

But let’s not blame HPD entirely. The Prosecuting Attorney’s office sure has a lot of blame to go around as well.

I’m also wondering if the 3 wrongly accused perpetrators actually ever knew the real perpetrator. 

I don’t know, and I would highly doubt, but are there ANY County/State employees still employed today who had anything to do with this case. If so, if it were up to me, immediate termination and stripping of any accrued benefits.
From Chunkster's Civilbeat article:

"The lawyers passed the information on to Hawaii County police. But they say in the court filing that the department mishandled the investigation by not arresting him at that point, giving him the chance to flee, destroy evidence or commit suicide."

also giving him one last chance to ruin a few more lives before taking his own.  Hopefully no one else was victimized.  
I wish you all the best.
Seeing HOTPE’s edit addition - do you think this might have any effect on Mitch’s reelection?

Or should it?

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