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Sorry about all the blank replies... I find this app confusing on my phone (small print).
Anyway, I agree with both of you. The Puna subdivisions are a decades old problem. Unfortunately, they are not a problem that is getting less of an issue with age (lacking infrastructure, enormous population growth). I am not sure what a good answer is. It is certain the County cannot take responsibility for everything at once- that would surely bankrupt them. Perhaps, if they changed their priorities and stopped looking into more parks and the other "sexy projects," instead, diverting that money to what Hawaii Island and their residents need, those actions and money might add up and make a huge difference.
The faux residential subdivisions are also the most affordable housing option. Population growth is inevitable.

"Sexy projects" are a job creator. Construction is one of the pillars of the Hawaii economy.
"Sexy projects" are projects that look good and are things people want, but these "sexy projects" are not necessarily going to result in problems if people do not have them. But insufficient wastewater treatment, water supply systems, the lack of and crowded roads will. 

Infrastructure jobs- wastewater for one- needs workers- a lot of them. Is the County hiring these workers? No. Why not? They will tell you they cannot find candidates, do not get enough applicants, yada, yada.They will say they cannot post jobs because they do (did) not have anyone in HR who could perform the postings and employee search. The County has finally posted for wastewater jobs and they have left the application process open for one week- hmmm. One week! This is only wastewater. There are many other infrastructure jobs that need workers (solid waste among them). 
Hawaii could put its population to work. But seems reluctant to do so. Is this because they are more interested in privatizing and developing? (As in residential development= more property tax revenue)
It is certain the County cannot take responsibility for everything at once- that would surely bankrupt them.

My initial response would be “why should we care?”  Why should we give any more consideration to how they finance the road maintenance than the consideration they gave us when they pulled off the Great Puna Land Scam?  Or at any time since, for that matter?

I can set that aside for a moment and examine it more closely.  I think the statement assumes that if the county takes over ownership of the roads it will immediately bring them up to “county standard”.  Yes, that would be extremely expensive, but it won’t happen.  It would be nearly impossible for it to happen, what with most of the roads being less than the required 60’ width.  The newly acquired roads would simply be added to the other 700 miles or so of substandard roads that the county already owns and maintains.

Yes, it would cost the county some money.  We have a pretty large tax base now, and Puna has never gotten a fair share of the pie.  So if Puna actually got a fair share would that be enough?  How about after adding in a fair share of the fuel tax revenue?  How is it that other areas can have county owned and maintained roads without breaking the bank?

It’s hard to say what level of maintenance would be held, or whether there would be any improvement at all.  Who knows?  But one thing is for sure, if you have a gripe about the roads you won’t be taking that gripe to your association board.  And that would be refreshing.

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