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FYI County Employees Regarding Pay For 10/15/2024
Apparently Hawaii County had a "problem." 
Employee's received a memo, this morning stating that their pay would be late (pay day is the last day of the month and 15th of the month) "Because of the Federal holiday, checks went out late."
If employees have a problem with this they have been instructed to contact payroll.
In as much as I do not see any mainstream news outlet reporting this, (as of me making this post) it would not surprise me as being true.

Further, if true, I am more shocked at the terminology of "checks went out late"

I would assume that a significant number of County employees would be on direct deposit - which when dealing with Automated Clearing House (ACH), banks and various automated direct deposit payroll agencies, bank holidays are well known of and planned for in advance.

Assuming that a majority of County employees are indeed on direct deposit, there could be a few left-over old-school employees still using paper checks that this may have impacted. 

But then again, maybe I am making too big of an assumption thinking that the County even offers its employees direct deposit.

At any event, this news in no way surprises me or shocks me - as we saw with the teacher payroll debacle, the general consensus was more or less - "suck it up buttercup."
Almost as if there was nobody in the office to run the manual payroll process.

The teacher payroll fail was probably due to hand-processed paper forms.
Aloha Kalakoa.

I do not know what the issue was that held up payroll. Just said, "Federal holiday." Think, if it was caught before today (which you kind of think it should have been) that employees should have been notified sooner
Aloha Hilo Julie and all.

Just checked. Looks like the County deposited (they actually do direct deposit) PR (payroll) late this afternoon (approx 16:00).

The deposit states "HI 15th PR." Hopefully, any kind of withdrawal or payment anyone had set up for the 15th will be covered.
I'm curious why this a problem for you.
All of the banks were closed because of a Federal Holiday.
I get a notice from all of my direct deposit accounts at the beginning of the year that states exactly when I will get a deposit.
Government workers had to wait one day to get paid?

Once I waited 6 months for my state tax refund, around 2008.  I called four times, nobody cared.
Another time they forgot to order check printing paper, and I waited two months because of their mistake.

One day? Boo hoo.
Aloha Mr. O.

This was an anomaly. Usually, the way it works, when there is a holiday, and it will interfere with the distribution of payroll, the County employees' payments are deposited (pending) on the Friday/weekend before the holiday occurs, so that they post and are either available before, or show up immediately on, the last day of the month or 15th of the month when they are due. Employees do not have to wait because Federal holidays or weekends, "interfere" with payday schedules. However, this time employees did have to wait. No payments were processed. Which is why the County sent a memo out this morning. Payroll payments hit accounts at approx. 16:00 today. The good thing for many, I think, is that those payments were also still dated for today and not tomorrow. Hopefully those who were counting on those payments being there, will not have issues.
I'm curious to see if there's something that will back up the story. I'm not a state employee, but I am treated as one in most aspects. Our pay periods* are from the 1st day of the month to the 15th and then the 16th until the end of the month. The paycheck comes seven days later, always on the 7th and 22nd of the month. I don't know if the state uses this system, but if they do, I wonder why my paycheck is delayed a week every half month.

*Pay periods are not the same as pay days.
Aloha Tom K. Interesting. Not sure how the state does it. The County pays their employees on the last day of the month and the 15th of the month. Their "pay periods" run the same- 1st to the 15th, and 16th to end of month- but these are not current. Pay days and pay periods are not concurrant. Employees are paid for previous weeks worked.
Maybe state employees are paid for current time worked?

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