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Rules of the Game: Election '08


Who's up to it?

1. Answer the question asked, not the one you would rather change the topic to.
2. No charges without facts.
3. No negative attacks on individuals.
4. No promises without specifics on how and when it's going to get done.
5. ...?

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
5. How a promise/proposal will be paid for.
6. ...???
Bob, you 'get it'.

Will candidates?

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
6. Participate on a Message Board such as Punaweb so that we can interact with you on a public basis. (Props to Kale and Wayne)

7. ???

Lower your expectations and be ready for anything.
Originally posted by james weatherford


Who's up to it?

1. Answer the question asked, not the one you would rather change the topic to.
2. No charges without facts.
3. No negative attacks on individuals.
4. No promises without specifics on how and when it's going to get done.

Gee Doc... you asking for a lot out of a political official don't you think. (tongue in cheek)

Lower your expectations and be ready for anything.

Gee Doc... you asking for a lot out of a political official don't you think. (tongue in cheek)

Yep, lots. No apologies. Why not? (no tongue in cheek).

Thanks, Damon, for pulling this thread back up with a comment (you might notice, I almost never start a thread).
Hey, what a politician does not do is just as important as what they do. If no like rules about being honest, articulate, and fair, OK, the silence is deafening and I get the message.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
In 2006, Faye Hanohano sent a surrogate to the HPP Candidate Forum.
He answered all questions as if he was the candidate.
How do you all feel about candidate surrogates? Accept them, not accept? Appreciate thoughts.
If forums are not mandated to run for office, then, why do candidates get reamed for not showing up to them?

At least this candidate sent someone on behalf of her.

We don't know what situations occurred or why her decision not to attend that forum.

Another local politician got reamed publicly by a Local Newscast for not being present at a crucial vote for something. It turned out that politician was attending a close family members funeral. A few days later, the head honcho of the news station came on air to apologize for what the Station had reported.

There could have been a more pressing matter, and at least she sent a "Surrogate" as you would like to call it.

I wasn't at the forum, so I can't speak about the content of what the "surrogate" said....

What I do know for FACT.... is it is often the legislative aids and the people behind the candidates that actually run the show.[Wink][Big Grin]

Lower your expectations and be ready for anything.
I would suggest that nothing is mandated to run for office except the filing fees. Faye was notable in her absence during the 2006 campaign. She got elected. People are entitled to expect what they expect. It is the basis on which they will vote most likely.

Interesting point about the legislative aides.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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