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Hawai`i County Resolution 731
Originally posted by Bob Orts

Originally posted by Hotzcatz

nobody has the slightest idea what the heck this “green” and “sustainable” label means.

Green and sustainable are two different things. Wikipedia does a good job at describing both.
Green is a tough one for me. I like blue. But for "sustainability," I like, "the capacity to maintain a certain process or state indefinitely." I like this one because it points out an obvious flaw with wanting to be sustainable. I'll present exactly what I mean on Saturday the 27th in Hilo at the Green Jobs event.

---- Rob, mahalo for allowing the shameless plugs for the event. I'm really just trying to save time and keep from rambling...

I think when people refer to the either term, they apply them in various contexts. So if you're referring to "sustainable farming" it means one thing. If you're referring to "sustainable construction" it means something else. To put it back into a confusing context, what does "sustainable healthcare" have to do with going "green"? [?]

Let’s have a Foreign Oil Independence Job Act of 2008
You're close! It's actually called the, "Energy Independence Act of 2007" and Title Ten is the Green Jobs Act of 2007. The Energy Act appropriates two billion dollars. Maybe that deserves a new thread? Or maybe 10!

[quote]So many people complain about government abuse, but geez, they open yourselves up to being abused by government.

We get the government we deserve and that's "exactly" what we have.

Keep in mind that testimony before the County Council can be made "for," "against" and "neither." Everyone gets a chance to participate. Also remember to do your homework. I'm sure you would also encourage us to research issues before voting? There's still plenty of time to tell the County Council that you want these federal funds to be spent on other islands.

Originally posted by Bob Orts

Originally posted by Brent

Schools organize as 501c3. As such they may accept grants. Many grants are from private corporations. The largest amounts currently come from private foundations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Green Jobs Act of 2007 amends the Workforce Investment Act of 1998. This is NOT private corporation money and it is NOT private charitable foundation money, it IS taxpayer's money.

I certainly didn't intend for you to think that the green jobs act wasn't federal tax payer's money. I was generalizing about the nature of schools funding from a previous post. People need to understand funding issues better.

Let's be clear, the "Green Jobs Act" is title ten of the federally funded, 2 billion dollar, "Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007."

Many companies cannot afford to train their own employees.
So, this is corporate welfare disguised as “Green” and “Sustainable”.

So in your opinion, the folks that have and will take our classes have been corporate welfare recipients?

research is needed to determine what's needed by employers,people out of work and people that would like to transition to a new career -when/if they become available.

Research is needed to identify what the heck this “green” label they plopped on an already existing program means. So far everything you said is well within the scope of available training and even further within the scope of what a business should make available if it wants to remain a viable business.

I agree research is needed.

What if the Hilton calls you up and say we are switching to these new “green” washers, but nobody who will be using them knows how to use them, and it will cost us $50,000 to have a factory rep come from the mainland to train our staff. Why don’t you get the feds to pay for you to offer a course and teach our folks?

Good question. This is getting closer to the heart of the matter as far as I'm concerned. This question deserves a better answer than I can currently provide.
Although the Green Jobs Act does give priority to schools and community groups that support low income workforce development, it does not clearly define training requirements in a way that can answer your question. Anytime I don't know the answer, I look to others for advice. Should we also consider, "if the Hilton were going to replace the local workers with workers from the mainland that were already trained. Your scenario fails to ask if the Hilton would be bringing on any new local hires.[/i]

And I’m even more dumbfounded by our politicians supporting this when they probably have no idea what the heck it means. Typical, throw the latest catch words on something and suddenly what people once hated is now accepted.

Remember the dot-com crash seven years ago? Think there's a "green bubble? New thread anyone?

Thank you for elevating the quality of the discussion and for the opportunity to be part of the continued discussion.


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