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Hawiian Shores
I'm looking for someone who owns property in or knows a lot about Hawaiian Shores Rec Est. I have a number of questions about that area and would like to have some on-going dialogue, if possible, with a knowledgable individual(s).

I suggest you come over and take a look. I wouldn't buy anything sight unseen. We did look in HSRE in 2004. There were some lovely homes and some ones in dire need of updating. But that is like any neighborhood, unless it is a housing development that just went in and all the homes look alike and there is no landscaping.

So the gardens help everything look beautiful no! As we have lived in rural areas for the past 20 years for the most part, the lots were a little smaller than we were looking for.

We bought in Eden Roc and that is too rustic for many, like my family, NO to rural, but for us just right!

Good luck on your research, you might ask on the Hilo web or Google the Hawaiian Paradise Park web and ask there also.

Aloha, Mella L

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
I've owned and lived in a Hawaiian Shores for going on 5 years. So ask away.

Tom G

You emailed me while I was living over-seas
now living in Orchidland with my wife and daughter. My wife is from the Philippines, If I remember correctly yours too! Call me some time 966-6481 Did you finish building your house yet?

Lee hope all is well. Yes, my wife is from the Philippines and we have two girls. Our oldest is now in kindergarten at Keonepoko.

I am nearing completion of our new house. I must be the slowest builder on the island but have done it on my own.

Tom G

Congrats on nearing completion on the new house. Perhaps you have some lessons/tidbits who can post on the Builders forum for our benefit?


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
Our daughter is a second grader at Keonopoko
School. We are owner/builder in Ainaloa Sub-division. Hoping to move in next month.

to TOM G,

I've read somewhere that the Association is going to build another Recreation Center (ball fields, pool) down a little closer to the shore. Do you know if that's true?

On some county maps I see "Honolulu Landing". What is that?

I imagine since the HSRE is adjacent to a nature preserve, the area is quite infested with the coqui. Am I right?

Where is the closest small craft boat launch ramp/input?


Hawaiian Shores has proposed to build a new community center to replace the old one called the stables - no new recreation facilities. This will increase the dues by $50/yr. It will be at the same location as the stables. However, a new county park has opened on the coast at the end of Kahakai Blvd.

Honolulu Landing is a private property located next to Hawaiian Shores on the coast. It used to be a Hawaiian settlement and boat landing before the shoreline beach sunk during a earthquake. Many use it for fishing and relaxing as you can park along the shoreline.

HSRE is adjacent to a forest reserve and a large private parcel. This area doesn't have many coqui. The are many along Kahakai Blvd. and in the undeveloped lots.

The nearest boat launch is Pohoiki which is approximately 8 to 16 miles depending on where you are in HSRE and the route you take.

Tom G


Thank you for the great info.

I have some more questions, if you don't mind.

Does the new County shoreline park, which you mentioned, have any amenities (picnic tables, benches, outhouse or restroom, etc)? In your opinion, is it nicer (better) than the Association shoreline park?

Do you know if there are any houses available as vacation rentals (for about a week) near the shore?



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