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Resort Bubble?
Isn't "Enhanced Movement Quarantine" an oxymoron? I'm not sure I quite understand the finer details of the proposed EMQ or Resort Bubble concept.
Here's a link if you haven't heard of this yet,
Is this just one of those, slap a fancy label on it so you can side-step the inconveniences of a pandemic sort of deals? "No, no, no, I'm not breaking quarantine, my movement is simply enhanced and it's okay because the government is making sure I don't cough on anyone."
It might not be a bad idea if they can isolate people coming in at the airport and bus them directly to the resort they will be staying at and confining them to the resort. I guess it could work somewhere like the Waikoloa Hilton where if there were no rental cars available anybody who tried to leave would die of heat stroke trying to cross the vast black barren lava fields. But implementing such a scheme at Waikiki seems impossible. And who would want to take a vacation like that? It would be like being on a cruise ship without stopping at any ports. I'm sure the resorts would love it though, knowing that their guests had to spend every single penny at THEIR resort. I bet they would get visitors if they legalized gambling and cannabis at these "resort bubbles".
It's a scam designed to make it appear that things are possible when they in fact aren't -- just like the "avoid quarantine by pre-test": the test isn't really available, and there aren't any details on how it will work, but that's OK because they keep postponing it anyway. Keep those hopes alive at any cost, because tourism is the only industry we will ever have.

I'm pretty sure nobody wants to come to Hawaii and be quarantined in a resort. Especially when that resort has reduced services because COVID. During the early shutdown, Outrigger was open but Duke's was only offering take-out. Not really a "resort experience".

Inflatable hot tub is only about $1000...
I'm pretty sure nobody wants to come to Hawaii and be quarantined in a resort.

When I lived on Maui it was often said there two rental cars on island for every resident’s vehicle.  The tourists were seemingly in constant motion, taking in the sights.  Because, say it with me...

nobody wants to come to Hawaii and be quarantined in a resort.
"...Factors under consideration include; working with resorts that are willing to meet all safety and security measures and requirements; and testing of a geo-fencing electronic quarantine monitor. Mayor Kawakami said EMQ should make enforcement of quarantine measures more manageable, but ultimately the concept comes down to protecting ourselves and resort staffs. “Technology is not a replacement for human behavior,” he added..."

No, no, NO! That's a silly waste of time and resources. A cynic would say this is just for appearances sake, as if an attempt is being made to restart tourism when in fact it's just another delay tactic. Honestly Mr. Ige, if you intend to keep tourism shut down through 2020 please man up and proclaim it now.

Require advance testing and/or just admit people w/o quarantine from cool Covid states like New York is doing.
What I've wondered about with this "bubble" idea is what happens to the staff who are in and out every day?  Tourists will infect the workers. The workers will take it home to their families.  Sounds like trouble to me.
Certainty will be the death of us.
(08-25-2020, 02:02 AM)kalianna Wrote: What I've wondered about with this "bubble" idea is what happens to the staff who are in and out every day?  Tourists will infect the workers. The workers will take it home to their families.  Sounds like trouble to me.

Like the employees at Safeway?
(08-25-2020, 02:02 AM)kalianna Wrote: What I've wondered about with this "bubble" idea is what happens to the staff who are in and out every day?  Tourists will infect the workers. The workers will take it home to their families.  Sounds like trouble to me.
They plan on making the employees live at resort if they want a job. Looks like to me you are going to have a lot of mainland workers coming if they do this. How is going to help the majority of the small local business all  the resort will get the money not locals.
(08-25-2020, 02:02 AM)kalianna Wrote: What I've wondered about with this "bubble" idea is what happens to the staff who are in and out every day?  Tourists will infect the workers. The workers will take it home to their families.  Sounds like trouble to me.

My thoughts exactly ^

--"They plan on making the employees live at resort if they want a job." --

I guess resident employees would have to be considered in quarantine the entire duration of this scheme since they'd be repeatedly exposed to quarantined travelers. It seems hard to believe they would stay put even if tracked by their cell phones, since there's ways around that.

I hate to burst Ige's bubble, but the whole thing doesn't sound very realistic.
"They plan on making the employees live at resort if they want a job."  hanki1, do you have a source for this?  I hadn't heard this before. 

I think grocery store workers are in a very different position than tourists.  Store employees don't want to spread the virus to friends and family.  If they're sick, they'll stay home (I think).  Tourists, with a lot of money invested in their little bubble vacations, are not going to let a little sore throat keep them from going on their Hawaiian adventure.
Certainty will be the death of us.

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