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Register to vote online....
I have just received this really easy link to register to vote. Voting is our right and privilege. We believe in the power of democracy and the importance of each of us having our say at this historically critical time.

-First we have all got to make sure that we can vote.

Please, if you are not registered or aren't sure, click below and also please send it on to everyone you know.


Now's the time to make sure you're able to vote and have your voice count. In some states you may only have days left to register to vote. So it doesn't matter if you are in a swing state, or a blue or red state, register to vote now, or check that your registration is current and even vote by email.

-- and please send on this reminder and link (below) to everyone you know!


If you aren't registered, you'll be left without a vote on November 4th. So make sure to have your say in who leads our country, register to vote, check your registration and send this email below on.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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